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How can Javascript be prevented from accessing PHP cookie data?

(Taken from a job interview)

Which of the following answers are correct ?

  • Use the httponly parameter when setting the cookie
  • The user must turn off Javascript support
  • It's a cookie setting in the browser
  • Only the issuing domain can access the cookie
  • One is on the client and the other is on the server, so it's not an issue
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Greg Avatar asked Apr 19 '11 06:04


2 Answers

When the cookie header is set, you can specify httpOnly.

This can be done via PHP's setcookie function:

setcookie ( $name, $value, $expire, $path, $domain, $secure, $httponly )

httpOnly instructs the browser to not allow JS to access the cookie.

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Christian Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 17:11


The correct answer is the first:

Use the httponly parameter when setting the cookie

This flag prevents (on compatible browsers, almost all, including IE >= 6sp1) the javascript engine on the browser to access cookies with this parameter. You can set this flag for regular cookies with setcookie and for session cookies with session_set_cookie_params.

edited: Support for IE >= 6sp1 instead of IE >= 7

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Carlos Campderrós Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 18:11

Carlos Campderrós