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How can integrate Cognito Identity Pool with API Gateway?

I have a question about the integration of Cognito and API Gateway and I hope that you can help me with that. I am thinking of making an application in which I would like the authentication process with third parties (Facebook, Twitter ...), so I discard Cognito User Pool, then I have Cognito Identity Pool, but this is where my doubts grow.

  • How can I integrate it with API Gateway?
  • Should I use API Gateway Custom Authorizer to manage the token generated by Cognito?
  • If I do not use the Custom Authorizer, How can I restrict access to the API Methods based on the user profile (admin, client ...)?

Thanks for your help

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anroco Avatar asked Nov 24 '16 02:11


1 Answers

How can I integrate it with API Gateway?

  • For Cognito Identity Pools, you'll set the Authorization type on your methods to AWS_IAM

Should I use API Gateway Custom Authorizer to manage the token generated by Cognito?

  • With Identity Pools, this won't be possible. You'll have to use the AWS_IAM authorization. You'll get access to the Cognito ID for your backend call.

If I do not use the Custom Authorizer, How can I restrict access to the API Methods based on the user profile (admin, client ...)?

  • Someone more familiar Cognito would be able to answer better, but I believe you can only set up the 'authenticated role' and the 'unauthenticated role'. So when a user authenticates with an external provider, they get the 'authenticated role' and that's it. I'm not sure if there is support for user groups (admin, client) in Identity Pools (there is support in User Pools).

Edit: maybe this will help http://www.slideshare.net/AmazonWebServices/securing-serverless-workloads-with-cognito-and-api-gateway-part-i-aws-security-day

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jackko Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 08:10
