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How can i use WKWebView instead of UIWebView in Xamarin Forms WebView(iOS)

I'm working on mobile application development using Xamarin.Forms (PCL). I am using Xamarin WebView to render some web view contents and i'm getting performance issue in iOS application. So, i have analyzed and found that the WKWebView will improve the performance.

How can i use WKWebView in Xamarin Forms WebView instead of UIWebView ? Is there any custom rendering available to do this?

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Karthik Avatar asked Feb 28 '17 08:02


1 Answers

Yes, You can create custom renderer using WKWebView.

Please have a look below and this is ios renderer class of WebView:

[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(CustomWebView), typeof(CustomWebViewRenderer))]
namespace DemoApp.iOS.Renderers
    public class CustomWebViewRenderer : ViewRenderer<CustomWebView, WKWebView>
        protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<CustomWebView> e)

for more information click here .

like image 127
Pavan V Parekh Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 17:10

Pavan V Parekh