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How can I use the useQuery hook to populate state in other hooks?

I have been dealing with a few hook-related issues recently as I have been implementing hooks into a project of mine. I keep getting the error "Rendered more hooks than during the previous render."

It seems that the only way I can get my code to work is by putting the useQuery hook after all of the other hooks. This is a problem however as I want to populate some values of state with values from data on the query.

// code that doesn't error, but am not able to initialize state with query values

const [url, setUrl] = useState('')

const updateLink = useMutation(LINK_UPDATE_MUTATION, {
  variables: {
    id: props.id,

const { data, loading, error } = useQuery(LINK_QUERY, {
  variables: {
    id: props.id

if (loading) {
  return <div>Loading...</div>
if (error) {
  return <div>Error! {error.message}</div>


// code that errors with 'Rendered more hooks than during the previous render.'

const { data, loading, error } = useQuery(LINK_QUERY, {
    variables: {
      id: props.id

  if (loading) {
    return <div>Loading...</div>
  if (error) {
    return <div>Error! {error.message}</div>

const updateLink = useMutation(LINK_UPDATE_MUTATION, {
    variables: {
      id: props.id,

const [url, setUrl] = useState(data.link.url)

I would expect that the useQuery hook could be used in a way to initialize other values with its query data.

If this isn't enough code or more explanation is needed just let me know. Thanks.

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ElektrikSpark Avatar asked Apr 02 '19 10:04


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1 Answers

What you need to do is to update the state when the first hook results in a response. To do that you can make use of useEffect hook. You need to render all hooks at the top of your functional component.

const [url, setUrl] = useState('')

const updateLink = useMutation(LINK_UPDATE_MUTATION, {
  variables: {
    id: props.id,

const { data, loading, error } = useQuery(LINK_QUERY, {
  variables: {
    id: props.id

useEffect(() => {
  if(data && data.link) {
}, [data])

if (loading) {
  return <div>Loading...</div>
if (error) {
  return <div>Error! {error.message}</div>
like image 171
Shubham Khatri Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 05:10

Shubham Khatri