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How can I use regexextract function in Google Docs spreadsheets to get "all" occurrences of a string?

My text string is in cell D2:

Decision, ERC Case No. 2009-094 MC, In the Matter of the Application for Authority to Secure Loan from the National Electrification Administration (NEA), with Prayer for Issuance of Provisional Authority, Dinagat Island Electric Cooperative, Inc. (DIELCO) applicant(12/29/2011)

This function:


will grab (NEA) but not (DIELCO)

I would like it to extract both (NEA) and (DIELCO)

like image 234
nicknich3 Avatar asked Jan 06 '12 05:01


People also ask

How do I use Regexextract in Google Sheets?

In order to use REGEXEXTRACT, you first need to create a regular expression that will match the text you want to extract. You can then use the REGEXEXTRACT function to extract the text that matches the regular expression.

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Select Lookup option from the Formula Type drop down list; Then choose Find most common value from the Choose a fromula list box; In the right Arguments input section, select a list of cells that you want to extract the most common value beside the Range.

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We use the '' symbol so that Google Sheets understands that we mean the meta-character 'd' and not the letter 'd'. So if you want to extract a single numeric digit from a string, you use the expression 'd'. But if you want to extract more than one digits, you can use the expression 'd+'.

2 Answers

Here are two solutions, one using the specific terms in the author's example, the other one expanding on the author's sample regex pattern which appears to match all ALLCAPS terms. I'm not sure which is wanted, so I gave both.

(Put the block of text in A1)

Generic solution for all words in ALLCAPS




NB: The brunt of the work is in the CAPITALIZED formula, the lowercase functions are just for cleanup.

If you want space separation, the formula is a little simpler:

=trim(regexreplace(REGEXREPLACE(A1,"\b\w[^A-Z]*\b"," "),"\W+"," "))



(One way I like playing with regex in google spreadsheets is to read the regex pattern from another cell so I can change it without having to edit or re-paste into all the cells using that pattern. This looks so:

Cell A1:

Block of text

Cell B1 (no quote marks):


Formula, in any cell:

=trim(regexreplace(REGEXREPLACE(A1,B$1," "),"\W+"," "))

By anchoring it to B$1, I can fill all my rows at once and the reference won't increment.)

Previous answer:

Specific solution for selected terms (ERC, DIELCO)




As before, the brunt of the work is in the CAPITALIZED formula, the lowercase functions are just for cleanup.

This formula will find any ERC or DIELCO, or both in the block of text. The initial order doesn't matter, but the output will always be ERC followed by DIELCO (the order of appearance is lost). This fixes the shortcoming with the previous answer using "(bra).*(bra)" in that isolated ERC or DIELCO can still be matched.

This also has a simpler form with space separation:

=trim(join(" ",IF(REGEXMATCH(A1,"ERC"),"ERC",""),IF(REGEXMATCH(A1,"DIELCO"),"DIELCO","")))


like image 125
Dannid Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09


You can use capture groups, which will cause regexextract() to return an array. You can use this as the cell result, in which case you will get a range of results, or you can feed the array to another function to reformat it to your purpose. For example:

regexextract( "abracadabra" ; "(bra).*(bra)" )

will return the array:


Another approach would be to use regexreplace(). This has the advantage that the replace is global (like s/pattern/replacement/g), so you do not need to know the number of results in advance. For example:

regexreplace( "aBRAcadaBRA" ; "[a-z]+" ; "..." )

will return the string:

like image 27
MetaEd Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 08:09
