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How can I use NUnit to test a method with out or ref parameters?

If I have a function which accepts an out parameter and accepts an input form console -

public void Test(out int a)
     a = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine());  

How can I accept an input using Console.Readline() during NUnit test? How can I use NUnit to test this method?

I tried using this code for my NUnit test case -

public void test()
     int a = 0;   
     ClassAdd ad = new ClassAdd();
     ad.addition(out a);

     //a should be equal to the value I input through console.Readline()
     Assert.AreEqual(<some value I input>, a, "test");    

how can I test a method which accepts an out parameter and also accepts an user input from Console?

like image 785
pavanred Avatar asked Aug 15 '10 14:08


2 Answers

You can use the SetIn method of System.Console to set the the input source:

StringReader reader = new StringReader("some value I input" + Enivronment.NewLine);

int a = 0;   
ClassAdd ad = new ClassAdd();
ad.addition(out a);

Assert.AreEqual(<some value I input>, a, "test");

EDIT: To test multiple values, just separate each input with a new line:

string[] lines = new[] { "line1", "line2" };
StringReader input = new StringReader(String.Join(Environment.NewLine, lines));

string input1 = Console.ReadLine();    //will return 'line1'
string input2 = Console.ReadLine();    //will return 'line2'
like image 178
Lee Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 14:11


There are 2 slightly different issues combined here.

  1. You want to test a method that returns a value in an out parameter. This is actually quite trivial and is hardly different from a method that returns its value as a normal function.
  2. You want to test a method that reads input form the console. This one is quite a bit trickier, and goes a little into the design of the object you're trying to test. The problem is that the "Console" is a global object, and that immediately makes it more difficult to test.

The craziest thing to note is that you want to test a method that takes input from the console. I.e. this implies user interaction. This is hardly the way to go about "automated testing" don't you think?

In answer to #2, I suggest you look at some of Misko Hevery's articles and videos on writing testable code.


For a brief summary specfic to your problem:

  • MethodToTest currently wants input from the console.
  • The class that holds MethodToTest should take an "input stream" in its constructor. (This is a technique called dependency injection.)
  • In production code, your class will be created with the normal "Console" as its input stream.
  • In test code, the class will be constructed with a Mock input stream that will feed values controlled by the test.
  • In this way your test can be automated, and well controlled in terms of inputs; and therefore expected outputs.

Bare Bones Sample Code

public void test() 
  <use appropriate type here> MockInputStream = new ...;
  ClassToTest testClass = new ClassToTest(MockInputStream);

  int Actual = 0;
  ClassToTest.MethodToTest(out Actual);

  Assert.AreEqual(4, Actual, "MockInputStream placed 4 as the next value to read");
like image 24
Disillusioned Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 15:11
