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How can I use multiple condition in v-if in VueJS?

Here is my code:


let Names = [
        Name: "Josh"
        FullName: ""
        Name: "Jonathan"
        FullName: null
        Name: "James"
        FullName: "James Johnson"


        v-for="item in Names" 
        v-if=" item.FullName != null || item.FullName != '' "

This v-if=" item.FullName != null || item.FullName != '' " does not work, Why? How can I put two condition inside a v-if?

like image 572
Johnson Avatar asked Nov 27 '17 16:11


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v-if. The directive v-if is used to conditionally render a block. The block will only be rendered if the directive's expression returns a truthy value.

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What is the difference between V-if and V-show in Vuejs?

The key difference is that v-if conditionally renders elements and v-show **conditionally displays **elements. This means that v-if will actually destroy and recreate elements when the conditional is toggled. Meanwhile, v-show will always keep the element in the DOM and will only toggle its display by changing its CSS.

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3 Answers

Maybe it's the way you are treating empty strings as false-ly values and || is saying: show fullname if any of the two (left/right) expressions are true, which is not what you want I think.

Try this instead:

 <li v-for="item in Names" v-if="item.FullName !== null && item.FullName !== ''"> 

Also, judging from your code, {{ FullName }} should be {{ item.FullName }}

like image 159
samayo Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 05:10


Samayo's answer is right, and maybe this question a little old, but there are some issues:

First, please avoid v-for with v-if in the same element! (source: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/style-guide/#Avoid-v-if-with-v-for-essential)

And second, if you want to use v-if with || operator, just use a computed, or simple method.

Finally, I think its the better way if you use camelCase, not the PascalCase for the variants or for object's keys.

<li v-if="fullNameIsExist(item)">
  <span>{{ item.fullName }}

And if you use a method:

methods: {
  fullNameIsExist (item) {
    if (![null, ''].includes(item.fullName)) return true
like image 8
Kamocsai Kamo András Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 04:10

Kamocsai Kamo András

The best way is using computed stuff

computed: {
    condition() {
      return this.FullName !== null && this.FullName !== '';

and is it as condition

<li v-for="item in Names" v-if="condition> 

and instead of {{ FullName }} you should use {{ item.FullName }} You were almost right with condition, but error was because of {{ FullName }} that's why you should write {{ item.FullName }} and because of || instead you better might use && Also you can do the stuff like this:

 <li v-for="item in Names" v-if="item.FullName !== null && item.FullName !== ''> 
like image 1
Mr CaT Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 04:10

Mr CaT