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How can I use msgid during Android strings localization?

In Android sources I see such strings:

<string name="app_name" msgid="8095131950334945205">"Calculadora"</string>

Notice the 'msgid', this indicates existence of some tool to manage strings translation. What the tool is it?

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alex2k8 Avatar asked Dec 12 '10 20:12


2 Answers

This msgid comes when used with tools like a2po to create po files and then they are used to translate the strings automatically using tools like poedit. You can easily ignore the msgid property and update the translation manually. Here is the link for android2po. Here is another reference for translation.

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Jacob Abraham Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 13:09

Jacob Abraham

It is probably Motodev Studio: http://developer.motorola.com/docstools/motodevstudio

Check out its features: http://developer.motorola.com/docstools/motodevstudio/features

It is possible to use Google Translate inside Motodev Studio to automatically translate all your strings.

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thiagolr Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 12:09
