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How can I use MS COCO test-dev dataset for instance segmentation?



Now I'm reproducing the Mask R-CNN(Instance segmentation task.)

I can't figure out how to use the MS COCO test dataset.

There exists 'instances_train2014', 'instances_val2014' which have specific annotations.

But in testing data, there are only image_id, image_url, image height and width. I couldn't figure out how to use it at all.

Could anyone figure this out? :( Sorry for terrible English

like image 742
Kim Avatar asked Dec 24 '22 10:12


2 Answers

The test data is just that, test data. They did not release annotations for it. Instead, you train on the train/val datasets and submit results for the test data to the evaluation server. This ensures a fair comparison between different methods.

like image 155
pjreddie Avatar answered Jun 28 '23 17:06


So could you tell me how Researcher evaluate mAP of a model, like ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco have COCO mAP[^1] = 21(according to This)? Did they calculate on COCO validation set instead of COCO Test set and record the mAP number?

like image 39
mrSmith91 Avatar answered Jun 28 '23 16:06
