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How can i use longitude and latitude with typeorm and postgres

My current entity looks like this:

import { BaseEntity, Column, Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from 'typeorm';

export class Landmark extends BaseEntity {
    id: string;

    longitude: number 

    latitude: number 

But i wonder if there is a better way to do this, with a special postgres type, that works with typeorm.

like image 855
Yassine Bridi Avatar asked Nov 27 '20 17:11

Yassine Bridi

People also ask

What is the data type for latitude and longitude in postgresql?

You can use the data type point - combines (x,y) which can be your lat / long. Occupies 16 bytes: 2 float8 numbers internally.

How do I find the distance between two latitude longitude points in postgresql?

# you can get the location (latitude and longitude) of the user, for example: $latitude = -23.3871316; $longitude = -51.952356; and then, you can use these attributes within your query assembled in your application. The result is the distance from the user's location to the address defined in your table.

How do I use PostGIS with typeorm?

Typeorm's postgres driver uses GeoJSON internally to work with PostGIS, so when you're defining Typeorm models, you need to add @types/geojson, which will let you correctly type your Typeorm columns as you asked. For instance, you can import the Geometry type definition and type your column as so:

How to insert latitude and longitude in PostGIS table?

In PostGIS, for points with latitude and longitude there is geography datatype. insert into your_table (geog) values ('SRID=4326;POINT (longitude latitude)'); 4326 is Spatial Reference ID that says it's data in degrees longitude and latitude, same as in GPS.

How to store longitude and latitude in a single column?

Use Point data type to store Longitude and Latitude in a single column: Note: The point first element is longitude and the second element is latitude. For more info check this Query Operators.

What is PostGIS in PostgreSQL?

PostGIS is an extension you can enable in your postgres database for dealing with spatial datatypes. Once you have PostGIS installed, you can use its special spatial data functions inside of a Typeorm query builder as you would any other PG function, backed up by GeoJSON.

2 Answers

You're going to want to look into PostGIS and Spatial Column support in Typeorm:


PostGIS is an extension you can enable in your postgres database for dealing with spatial datatypes. Once you have PostGIS installed, you can use its special spatial data functions inside of a Typeorm query builder as you would any other PG function, backed up by GeoJSON.

Typeorm's postgres driver uses GeoJSON internally to work with PostGIS, so when you're defining Typeorm models, you need to add @types/geojson, which will let you correctly type your Typeorm columns as you asked.

For instance, you can import the Geometry type definition and type your column as so:

import { Geometry } from 'geojson';
location: Geometry

In your case, you might want to combine your latitude and longitude columns into a single column -- location -- which can use the point() function to combine latitude and longitude into a single Geometry type.

As a contrived example, you could do something like:

UPDATE customers SET location = 'point(37.7, 122.4)' where id = 123;

This would set the location column on your customers table (as an example) to a geometry(point) column type corresponding to the lat/lon position of San Francisco.

If you wanted to migrate existing double precision column values for lat/lon (which is how you should store lat/lon on their own) to a single location column of type geometry(point), you could use the ST_MakePoint function that comes out of the box with PostGIS.


-- Assuming you have a lat and lon columns on the `customers` table that you are migrating to the PostGIS geometry(point) type
UPDATE customers SET location = ST_MakePoint(lat, lon) where id = 123;
like image 196
JosephHall Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 05:10


Extending JosephHall Answer

Used postgres,postgis,typeORM,@types/geojson, Nest JS

import { Column, Entity, Index, PrimaryGeneratedColumn} from 'typeorm';
import { Point } from 'geojson';

@Entity({ name: 't_test_location' })
export class TestLocation {
  pk_id: number;
  @Column({ type: 'varchar', name: 's_city' })
  city: string;

  @Index({ spatial: true })
    type: 'geography',
    spatialFeatureType: 'Point', 
    srid: 4326,
    nullable: true,

Service class

import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { InjectRepository } from '@nestjs/typeorm';
import { TestLocation } from 'src/model/testlocation.entity';
import { getManager, QueryBuilder, Repository } from 'typeorm';
import { Geometry, Point } from 'geojson';
export class LocationService {
    @InjectRepository(TestLocation) private readonly repo: Repository<TestLocation>,
  ) {}

  public async getAll() {
    return await this.repo.find();

  public async create(location:TestLocation){
    const pointObject :Point= {
      type: "Point",
      coordinates: [location.long,location.lat]
  location.location = pointObject;
  return await this.repo.save(location)


import { Body, Controller, Get, Post } from '@nestjs/common';
import { TestLocation } from 'src/model/testlocation.entity';
import { LocationService } from './location.service';

export class LocationController {
  constructor(private serv: LocationService) {}

  public async getAll() {
    return await this.serv.getAll();
  createLocation(@Body() location : TestLocation): void{
like image 37
Pradeep N.V.S Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 06:10

Pradeep N.V.S