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How can I use Linq to to determine if this string EndsWith a value (from a collection)?

i'm trying to find out if a string value EndsWith another string. This 'other string' are the values from a collection. I'm trying to do this as an extension method, for strings.


var collection = string[] { "ny", "er", "ty" };
"Johnny".EndsWith(collection); // returns true.
"Fred".EndsWith(collection); // returns false.
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Pure.Krome Avatar asked Oct 29 '09 03:10


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1 Answers

var collection = new string[] { "ny", "er", "ty" };

var doesEnd = collection.Any("Johnny".EndsWith);
var doesNotEnd = collection.Any("Fred".EndsWith);

You can create a String extension to hide the usage of Any

public static bool EndsWith(this string value, params string[] values)
    return values.Any(value.EndsWith);

var isValid = "Johnny".EndsWith("ny", "er", "ty");
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Pierre-Alain Vigeant Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 01:11

Pierre-Alain Vigeant