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How can I use Left join in linq that we use in sql?





How can I use Left join in Linq that I write SQL query?

    p.Name, p.Family,
    E.EmployTypecode, E.employtypeName, E.EmplytyppeTye 
    personnel as p
left join 
    Employee as E on E.EmployTypecode = p.EmployTypecode 
like image 999
ehsan ahmadi Avatar asked May 29 '16 07:05

ehsan ahmadi

2 Answers

Use Join keyword instead of Left join and it is mandatory to use "INTO" keyword and "DefaultIfEmpty()" method as right table returns null value.

   var query = from p in personnel 
               join e in Employee on p.EmployTypecode equals e.EmployTypecode into t
               from nt in t.DefaultIfEmpty()
               orderby p.Name

    select new
        p.Name, p.Family,
        EmployTypecode=(int?)nt.EmployTypecode,  // To handle null value if Employtypecode is specified as not null in Employee table.
        nt.employtypeName, nt.EmplytyppeTye
like image 63
Arif Sarker Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 09:09

Arif Sarker

Do it like this :

var query = 
from  p in personnel
join e in Employee 
    on p.EmployTypecode equals e.EmployTypecode
into temp
from j in temp.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
    name = p.name,
    family = p.family,
    EmployTypecode = String.IsNullOrEmpty(j.EmployTypecode) ? "" : j.EmployTypecode,
like image 36
Navoneel Talukdar Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 09:09

Navoneel Talukdar