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How can I use GROUP_CONCAT in Rails?

I have the following query which I want to use with ActiveRecord so that it can be translated in native ORACLE based query on production server. Right now I am using SQLITe.

select c.name,co.code,GROUP_CONCAT(c.name) AS GroupedName
from countries c
INNER JOIN continents co
on c.continent_code = co.code
INNER JOIN event_locations el
on el.location_id = c.id
group by co.code
like image 328
Volatil3 Avatar asked Jan 26 '15 08:01


1 Answers

As long as I know, there's no group_concat equivalent in Rails, but you can use includes to do that:

continents = Continents
  .joins(:countries, :event_locations)

continents.each do |continent| 

This will produce only 2 queries - I know, is not so good as one, but I think that is the best than Rails can do without "group_concat". The other way will be something like that:

  .select("countries.id, GROUP_CONCAT(countries.name) as grouped_name")
  .joins(:continents, :event_locations)

But if you do that, you need to change according to your database vendor.

  • MySQL: group_concat(countries.name)
  • PostgreSQL: string_agg(countries.name, ',')
  • Oracle: listagg(countries.name, ',')
like image 112
Daniel Loureiro Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 04:10

Daniel Loureiro