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How can I use datediff of mysql with sequelizejs

I'm trying to implement this SQL to my Sequelize

SELECT file_id FROM table WHERE datediff(curdate(),create_date) > 5;

   Here is my Sequelize

   findOverPeriodFile: function () {
    return table.findAll({
            60: {lt: Sequelize.fn('')}

Im new to Seuelize and I have tried to search Google, but it doesn't help. Does anyone have an answer to this question? I don't know what to put in the WHERE statement. Sorry for my bad English.

like image 858
Nguyen Hoang Vu Avatar asked Mar 06 '23 18:03

Nguyen Hoang Vu

1 Answers

Here you go :

You can generate WHERE datediff(curdate(),create_date) > 5; by using :

    where: sequelize.where(sequelize.fn('datediff', sequelize.fn("NOW") , sequelize.col('create_date')), {
        $gt : 5 // OR [Op.gt] : 5

For adding more condition

    where: {
        $and : [
            sequelize.where(sequelize.fn('datediff', sequelize.fn("NOW") , sequelize.col('create_date')), {
                $gt : 5 // OR [Op.gt] : 5
            }) ,
            { status : 'mystatus' }
like image 95
Vivek Doshi Avatar answered Mar 16 '23 03:03

Vivek Doshi