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How can I use buck to build react-native apps for both iOS and Android


Buck sounds like a great tool for both iOS and Android projects but I have not been abel to find any information on how to use it for react-native projects.


Looks like there is some work being done on this but it may not be recommended yet.

https://github.com/facebook/nuclide/issues/31#issuecomment-164897170 https://github.com/facebook/buck/tree/master/test/com/facebook/buck/js

Update 2

Product Pains link https://productpains.com/post/react-native/add-buck-as-a-build-option

like image 224
respectTheCode Avatar asked Jan 25 '16 16:01


People also ask

Can you make iOS and Android apps with React Native?

React Native enables you to build iOS and Android mobile apps and benefit from code reuse cross platform. React Native is an exciting new language backed by Facebook that allows you to create a native mobile experience on Android and iOS devices through a common coding experience.

Can we combine Android or iOS code in React Native?

Yes, we can combine Android or iOS code in react native. React Native helps to smoothly combines the components written in Java, Objective-C or Swift.

Can the same react component be used for both Android and iOS?

You have picked React Native to build cross-platform native apps on both iOS and Android. The biggest perk here is that the code is shared across the platforms. Code once and it works on both iOS and Android.

Why React Native mobile application is allowed in both iOS and Android?

Both platforms can be updated on the same day. As React Native is written in JavaScript, it's easy to onboard other teams. The UI of iOS and Android apps is platform-specific, giving the apps a native feel and a smooth UX.

1 Answers

Update 8/6/2017:

I tried following my steps below for integrating React Native into an iOS app with Buck but I ran into issues when using React Native 0.47. Instead I have a new simpler approach for getting React Native working with Buck on iOS by linking to prebuilt libraries. I forked the Buck sample project repo and have it working with React Native in this repo. I also updated the README in that repo with instructions for running the demo Buck React Native iOS app and how to integrate yourself.

Note there are a couple issues with this approach documented in the README that may or may not be a problem for using this in a production app.

That repo also doesn't bundle the JS for production yet.

Older answer:

I got Buck working with an iOS project. It is very much a work in progress, but works. A few notes:

  • I manually copied files from node_modules/react-native/React and node_modules/react-native/Libraries (see folder structure below).
  • I had to add the -w and Wno-error flags to each library because the main project had treat warnings as errors and I didn't want to see all of these React Native warnings in Xcode.
  • You may have to add more libraries following the pattern. It also helps to look at the React Native podspec.
  • There is probably opportunity to clean things up like there is no need for reactnative.xcodeproj in the vendor/reactnative folder (see below).
  • There is probably some work needed to correctly bundle the JS for production. Currently it will only work if the JS is fetched from a server (e.g. Node.js).

Here is my vendor/reactnative/BUCK file:

  name = 'ReactNative',
  srcs = glob([
  exported_headers = glob([
  system_frameworks = [
  exported_linker_flags = [
  compiler_flags = [
  visibility = ['PUBLIC'],

  name = 'RCTWebSocket',
  srcs = glob([
  headers = glob([
  exported_headers = glob([
  compiler_flags = [
  visibility = ['PUBLIC'],
  deps = [

  name = 'RCTNetwork',
  srcs = glob([
  headers = glob([
  exported_headers = glob([
  compiler_flags = [
  visibility = ['PUBLIC'],
  deps = [

  name = 'RCTText',
  srcs = glob([
  headers = glob([
  exported_headers = glob([
  compiler_flags = [
  visibility = ['PUBLIC'],
  deps = [

  name = 'RCTImage',
  srcs = glob([
  headers = glob([
  exported_headers = glob([
  compiler_flags = [
  visibility = ['PUBLIC'],
  deps = [

Here is the folder structure inside a vendor folder in my project:

├── BUCK
├── Libraries
│   ├── ART
│   ├── ActionSheetIOS
│   ├── AdSupport
│   ├── Animated
│   ├── AppRegistry
│   ├── AppState
│   ├── BatchedBridge
│   ├── BugReporting
│   ├── CameraRoll
│   ├── Components
│   ├── CustomComponents
│   ├── DebugComponentHierarchy
│   ├── Devtools
│   ├── EventEmitter
│   ├── Experimental
│   ├── Fetch
│   ├── Geolocation
│   ├── Image
│   ├── Inspector
│   ├── Interaction
│   ├── JavaScriptAppEngine
│   ├── LayoutAnimation
│   ├── Linking
│   ├── LinkingIOS
│   ├── Modal
│   ├── NativeAnimation
│   ├── NavigationExperimental
│   ├── Network
│   ├── Promise.js
│   ├── PushNotificationIOS
│   ├── QuickPerformanceLogger
│   ├── RCTTest
│   ├── RKBackendNode
│   ├── ReactIOS
│   ├── ReactNative
│   ├── Sample
│   ├── Settings
│   ├── Storage
│   ├── StyleSheet
│   ├── Text
│   ├── Utilities
│   ├── Vibration
│   ├── WebSocket
│   ├── promiseRejectionIsError.js
│   ├── react-native
│   └── vendor
├── React
│   ├── Base
│   ├── Executors
│   ├── Layout
│   ├── Modules
│   ├── Profiler
│   └── Views
└── reactnative.xcodeproj
    ├── project.pbxproj
    └── xcuserdata

Then in the deps of my main BUCK file I add:

like image 100
Liron Yahdav Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 06:10

Liron Yahdav