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How can I use Autolayout to set constraints on my UIScrollview?

People also ask

How do I create a constraint in Autolayout?

Select the items you want to align, and then click the Align tool. Interface Builder presents a popover view containing a number of possible alignments. Select the options for aligning the selected views, and click the Add Constraints button. Interface Builder creates the constraints needed to ensure those alignments.

How do I add constraints in Scrollview in storyboard?

Select the view inside scrollview, press and hold control and drag it to the content layout guide. Then in the constraints selection popup, hold shift to select multiple constraints, select leading / top / trailing / bottom constraint.

How do I use Autolayout in Xcode?

To create constraints select the button and click the Align icon in the auto layout menu. A popover menu will appear, check both “Horizontal in container” and “Vertically in container” options to center the button on the screen. Then click the “Add 2 Constraints” button. Run the application.

How do you constraint a storyboard?

Select the view you would like to constrain. Then tap the button to the right of the one you have selected and use that menu to define your autolayout constraints. If you want it to work for all devices make sure your storyboard is on the wAny hAny size class setting.

It's hard to see the exact values and setup of your constraints as you've pasted them here, so I'm not sure from looking at your screenshots where you have gone wrong.

In lieu of an explanation of what's wrong in your setup, I've created a basic sample project with a very similar view hierarchy and constraint setup to the one you describe. The horizontal scrolling works as expected in the sample project, which uses the "Pure AutoLayout" approach that Apple describes in the Technical Note.

I also had a lot of trouble originally getting Auto Layout to work with UIScrollView. The key to getting it to work is making sure that all of the items in the scroll view, taken together, have constraints that eventually link to all sides of the scroll view and that contribute to the AutoLayout system being able to determine a contentSize for the scroll view that will be bigger than its frame. It looks like you were trying to do that in your code, but maybe you had some superfluous constraints in there that were making the contentSize too small.

Also of note, as others mentioned, with AutoLayout and UIScrollview, you no longer set the contentSize explicitly. The AutoLayout System calculates the contentSize based on your constraints.

I also found this ebook chapter to be very helpful in making me understand how all this works. Hope all this helps.

LOL welcome to the stupidity club. I'm one of the founders. :D

For VERTICAL scrolling: the only way I could get it to work (iOS 8, Xcode 6 and pure autolayout) was adding the following constraints to my Scroll View (all related to the superview):

  • Equal Widths
  • Equal Heights
  • Center Y Alignment
  • Center X Alignment

My structure:

   - ScrollView
    - Subview
    - Subview
    - Subview
    - Subview
    - ...

This is the final result:


This is the setup:

SetupFull screen

And here is the project.

Hopefully this would save someone from GOING TO SLEEP AT 5 AM. :D

Simple Self-Contained Example

Judging by the high number of votes on the question and the low number of votes on the answers, people are not finding an understandable and quick solution here. Let me try to add one. This project is a self-contained example done completely in the Interface Builder. You should be able to work through it in 10 minutes or less. Then you can apply the concepts you learned to your own project.

enter image description here

The original question asks about scrolling buttons. Here I just use UIViews but they can represent whatever view you like. I also chose horizontal scrolling because the storyboard screenshots are more compact for this format. The principles are the same for vertical scrolling, though.

Key concepts

  • The UIScrollView should only use one subview. This is a 'UIView' that serves as content view to hold everything you wish to scroll.
  • Make the content view and the scroll view's parent have equal heights for horizontal scrolling. (Equal widths for vertical scrolling)
  • Make sure that all of the scrollable content has a set width and is pinned on all sides.

Start a new project

It can be just a single view application.


In this example we will make a horizontal scroll view. Select the View Controller and then choose Freeform in the Size Inspector. Make the width 1,000 and the height 300. This just gives us room on the storyboard to add content that will scroll.

enter image description here

Add a Scroll View

Add a UIScrollView and pin all four sides to the root view of the view controller.

enter image description here

Add a Content View

Add a UIView as a subview to the scroll view. This is key. Don't try to add lots of subviews to the scroll view. Just add a single UIView. This will be your content view for the other views you want to scroll. Pin the content view to the scroll view on all four sides.

enter image description here

Equal Heights

Now in the Document Outline, Command click both the content view and the scroll view's parent view in order to select them both. Then set the heights to be equal (Control drag from the Content View to the Scroll View). This is also key. Because we are scrolling horizontally, the scroll view's content view won't know how high it should be unless we set it in this way.

enter image description here


  • If we were making the content scroll vertically, then we would set the content view's width to be equal to the scroll view's parent's width.

Add content

Add three UIViews and give them all constraints. I used 8 point margins for everything.

enter image description here


  • Green view: pin the top, left, and bottom edges. Make the width 400.
  • Red view: pin the top, left, and bottom edges. Make the width 300.
  • Purple view: pin all four edges edges. Make the width whatever the remaining space is (268 in this case).

Setting the width constraints is also key so that the scroll view knows how wide its content view will be.


That's all. You can run your project now. It should behave like the scrolling image at the top of this answer.

For vertical scrolling, just swap all the width and height directions in this example (tested and working).

Further Study

  • iOS: How To Make AutoLayout Work On A ScrollView
  • How to configure a UIScrollView with Auto Layout in Interface Builder
  • YouTube video tutorial: UIScrollView - How to keep your views on screen

The contentSize is implicitly set by applying the constraints inside of the UIScrollView.

For example, is you have a UIScrollView inside of a UIView it will look like this (as I am sure you are aware):

    UIView *containerView               = [[UIView alloc] init];
    UIScrollView *scrollView            = [[UIScrollView alloc] init];
    [containerView addSubview:scrollView];
    containerView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = NO;
    scrollView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints    = NO;
    NSDictionary *viewsDictionary       = NSDictionaryOfVariableBindings(containerView, scrollView);

    [containerView addConstraints:[NSLayoutConstraint constraintsWithVisualFormat:@"V:|[scrollView]|"
    [containerView addConstraints:[NSLayoutConstraint constraintsWithVisualFormat:@"H:|[scrollView]|"

That will set the scrollView to fill the size of the containerView (so the containerView will have to be of a certain size).

You can then adjust the contentSize of the UIScrollView by implicitly setting it to be large enough to hold the buttons like this:

    UIButton *buttonA                   = [[UIButton alloc] init];
    UIButton *buttonB                   = [[UIButton alloc] init];
    UIButton *buttonC                   = [[UIButton alloc] init];
    [scrollView addSubview:buttonA];
    [scrollView addSubview:buttonB];
    [scrollView addSubview:buttonC];
    buttonA.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints       = NO;
    buttonB.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints       = NO;
    buttonC.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints       = NO;

    viewsDictionary                     = NSDictionaryOfVariableBindings(scrollView, buttonA, buttonB, buttonC);

    [scrollView addConstraints:[NSLayoutConstraint constraintsWithVisualFormat:@"V:|-[buttonA]-|"
    [scrollView addConstraints:[NSLayoutConstraint constraintsWithVisualFormat:@"H:|-[buttonA]-[buttonB]-[buttonC]-|"