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How can I use a registered controller in my angular directive?

I have a controller registered like this:

myModule.controller('MyController', function ($scope, ...some dependencies...)

Using ng-controller="MyController" in the HTML it all works fine, but now I want to use this controller as my directive's controller. Some thing like this:

otherModule.directive('myDirective', function() {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        replace: true,
        controller: ??????????,
        scope: {
            foo: '=',
            blah: '=',
        template: '....'

I tired just putting MyController but it errors out saying "MyController is not defined". I'm sure if I just put MyController in the global namespace, it would work fine, but I don't want anything in the global namespace. If it makes a difference, myModule is defined as a dependency for otherModule. How can I get a reference to this controller for my directive to use?

As suggested, I tried $controller('MyController'), but now I am getting the following error:

Error: Unknown provider: $scopeProvider <- $scope <- myDirectiveDirective
at Error (<anonymous>)
at http://localhost/resources/angular.js?_=1360613988651:2627:15
at Object.getService [as get] (http://localhost/resources/angular.js?_=1360613988651:2755:39)
at http://localhost/resources/angular.js?_=1360613988651:2632:45
at getService (http://localhost/resources/angular.js?_=1360613988651:2755:39)
at invoke (http://localhost/resources/angular.js?_=1360613988651:2773:13)
at Object.instantiate (http://localhost/resources/angular.js?_=1360613988651:2805:23)
at http://localhost/resources/angular.js?_=1360613988651:4621:24
at otherModule.directive.restrict (http://localhost/resources/app.js?_=1360613988824:862:15)
at Object.invoke (http://localhost/resources/angular.js?_=1360613988651:2786:25) 

I'm not sure what to make of this error. Is there more needed to make this work?

like image 338
dnc253 Avatar asked Feb 11 '13 19:02


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1 Answers

It appears that you can just use:

controller: 'MyController' 

IF the controller is in the same module as the directive or a higher level module composed of the module with the directive in it.

When I tried it with two different modules composed into an app module (one for the controller and one for the directive), that did not work.

like image 192
Ryan O'Neill Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 05:10

Ryan O'Neill