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How can I unset a variable in C to allow usage of the same name with different datatype later on?





I want to use the same variable name with a different datatype in C program without casting.

I really wanna do that don't ask why.

So how can I do that ?
And how can I handle the error if this variable doesn't exist while doing prophylactic unsetting ?

like image 702
AssemblerGuy Avatar asked Dec 06 '10 23:12


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2 Answers

You can't. The closest you can get is creating separate scopes and using the same variable name in them:

     int val;

     // do something with 'val'

     double val;

     // do something with 'val'
like image 125
Justin Spahr-Summers Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 09:09

Justin Spahr-Summers

If you want the same memory to be referenced with two different types, use a union. Otherwise, know that what follows is a terrible idea.

int foo;
float bar;
#define MY_NAME foo
// use MY_NAME as an int.
#undef MY_NAME
#define MY_NAME bar
// use MY_NAME as a float.
like image 22
nmichaels Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09
