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How can I truncate text in a UITableView Cell TextLabel so it doesn't hide the DetailTextLabel?

I have a list of phone rates, the textLabel is the country/territory and the detailTextLabel is the rate I have to display.

For some strings, the textLabel is too long and the detailTextLabel becomes hidden. Is there a setting to automatically adjust the text with if it's too long?

Here is an example where Central African Republic (Mobile) has this issue:


like image 501
Alexandru Pupsa Avatar asked Aug 14 '14 12:08

Alexandru Pupsa

1 Answers

On laying out a cell with UITableViewCellStyle.Value1 style the title label seems to get priority and push the detail label out of view. The solution might be to subclass UITableViewCell and override its layoutSubviews():

    override func layoutSubviews() {

        if let detail = self.detailTextLabel {
            // this will do the actual layout of the detail 
            // label's text, so you can get its width

            // you might want to find a clever way to calculate this
            // instead of assigning a literal
            let rightMargin: CGFloat = 16

            // adjust the detail's frame
            let detailWidth = rightMargin + detail.frame.size.width
            detail.frame.origin.x = self.frame.size.width - detailWidth
            detail.frame.size.width = detailWidth
            detail.textAlignment = .Left

            // now truncate the title label        
            if let text = self.textLabel {
                if text.frame.origin.x + text.frame.size.width > self.frame.width - detailWidth {
                    text.frame.size.width = self.frame.width - detailWidth - text.frame.origin.x

Note that although detail.textAlignment = .Left we account for detail's width and the actual text ends up aligned to the right.

like image 56
Dmitry Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 15:10
