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How can I translate the password reset email in Laravel 5.7?




I'm trying to translate the password reset email, which is English by default, in Laravel 5.7.

Normally – for the login, registration, and password reset views – you would translate the files under /resources/lang/, but I can't find the corresponding lines for the body on the emails.

How can I translate the password reset email?

like image 498
Agu Dondo Avatar asked Oct 01 '18 22:10

Agu Dondo

People also ask

How do I change my laravel password reset template?

Create a reset password MailableCreate theMailable, in app/Mail/ResetPassword. php, and its corresponding view template, in resources/views/emails/password. blade.

How can I reset my laravel password?

Reset password via a route php Route::get('temporary-password-reset', function() { $user = App\Moleds\User::where('email', '[email protected]')->first(); $user->password = Hash::make('your_super_secure_password'); $user->save(); return 'Success!'

1 Answers

In the method Illuminate\Auth\Notifications\ResetPassword::toMail() you can see the Lang::getFromJson() method is used to populate the email:

return (new MailMessage)
    ->subject(Lang::getFromJson('Reset Password Notification'))
    ->line(Lang::getFromJson('You are receiving this email because we received a password reset request for your account.'))
    ->action(Lang::getFromJson('Reset Password'), url(config('app.url').route('password.reset', $this->token, false)))
    ->line(Lang::getFromJson('If you did not request a password reset, no further action is required.'));

So you should be able to add these translations to the resources/lang/xx.json file as described in the documentation (scroll down to "Using Translation Strings As Keys.")

This also applies to the email verification message in Illuminate\Auth\Notifications\VerifyEmail.

For example, this could be the content of resources/lang/fr.json (forgive my high school French from 25 years ago)

    "If you did not request a password reset, no further action is required.": "Si vous ne demandez pas le réinitialisation de votre mot de passe, vous ne pouvez rien faire"

For both classes, the template file Illuminate/Notifications/resources/views/email.blade.php contains additional text that is in standard Blade @lang tags, which can be translated using message files at resources/lang/xx/messages.php

For example, this could be the content of resources/lang/fr/messages.php:

return [
    "Regards" => "Félicitations",
like image 56
miken32 Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09
