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How can I test if an attribute has been set in an XML node using AS3

I am reading in an XML file in AS3. I need to find out if an attribute exists on a node. I want to do something like:

foo(xmlIn.attribute("id"); // xmlIn is of type XML

This doesn't work however. The above if statement is always true, even if the attribute id isn't on the node.

like image 641
Boundless Avatar asked Jan 21 '12 00:01


2 Answers

You have to do this instead:

    foo(xmlIn.attribute("id"); // xmlIn is of type XML

In the XML E4X parsing, you have to use hasOwnProperty to check if a property for the attribute as been set on the E4X XML object node. Hope this helps!

like image 93
Jonathan Dunlap Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09

Jonathan Dunlap

I found 4 ways:

if ('@id' in xmlIn)
if (xmlIn.hasOwnProperty("@id"))
if ([email protected]() > 0)
if (xmlIn.attribute("id").length() > 0)

and I prefere first method:

if ('@id' in xmlIn) 
like image 39
marbel82 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09
