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How can I tell Sentry not to alert certain exceptions?

I have a Rails 5 application using raven-ruby to send exceptions to Sentry which then sends alerts to our Slack.

Raven.configure do |config|
  config.dsn = ENV['SENTRY_DSN']
  config.environments = %w[ production development ]
  config.excluded_exceptions += []
  config.async = lambda { |event|

class SentryWorker < ApplicationWorker
  sidekiq_options queue: :default

  def perform(event)

It's normal for our Sidekiq jobs to throw exceptions and be retried. These are mostly intermittent API errors and timeouts which clear up on their own in a few minutes. Sentry is dutifully sending these false alarms to our Slack.

I've already added the retry_count to the jobs. How can I prevent Sentry from sending exceptions with a retry_count < N to Slack while still alerting for other exceptions? An example that should not be alerted will have extra context like this:

sidekiq: {
  context: Job raised exception,
  job: {
    args: [{...}],
    class: SomeWorker,
    created_at: 1540590745.3296254,
    enqueued_at: 1540607026.4979043,
    error_class: HTTP::TimeoutError,
    error_message: Timed out after using the allocated 13 seconds,
    failed_at: 1540590758.4266324,
    jid: b4c7a68c45b7aebcf7c2f577,
    queue: default,
    retried_at: 1540600397.5804272,
    retry: True,
    retry_count: 2

What are the pros and cons of not sending them to Sentry at all vs sending them to Sentry but not being alerted?

like image 968
Schwern Avatar asked Oct 27 '18 03:10


People also ask

Does Sentry catch all exceptions?

The Sentry SDK will automatically capture and report any unhandled error that happens in your application runtime without any additional configuration or explicit handling. Generally, unhandled errors are errors that aren't caught by any except (or try/catch) clause.

What does handled mean in sentry?

If it was captured through captureException/captureMessages OR one of our instrumentation (eg. XHR, History, EventEmitter API), we mark it as handled. Otherwise - if it bubbled to the global event handler, it was not.

What are Sentry alerts?

Besides alerts, Sentry sends you notifications about various things like issue state changes, release deploys, and quota usage. You can fine tune these notifications, as well as your personal alert settings, in User Settings > Notifications.

How do you throw a sentry error?

One way to generate an error in Sentry is to call a function that is not defined. Note: This cannot be done in the console - it must be in the code. You should then see error in your browser console and in the Sentry dashboard.

1 Answers


An option that has worked well for me is by configuring Sentry's should_capture alongside Sidekiq's sidekiq_retries_exhausted with a custom attribute on the exception.


1a. Add the custom attribute

You can add a custom attribute to an exception. You can define this on any error class with attr_accessor:

class SomeError
  attr_accessor :ignore

  alias ignore? ignore

1b. Rescue the error, set the custom attribute, & re-raise

def perform
  # do something
rescue SomeError => e
  e.ignore = true
  raise e
  1. Configure should_capture

should_capture allows you to capture exceptions when they meet a defined criteria. The exception is passed to it, on which you can access the custom attribute.

config.should_capture { |e| !e.ignore? }

  1. Flip the custom attribute when retries are exhausted

There are 2 ways to define the behaviour you want to happen when a job dies, depending on the version of Sidekiq being used. If you want to apply globally & have sidekiq v5.1+, you can use a death handler. If you want to apply to a particular worker or have less than v5.1, you can use sidekiq_retries_exhausted.

sidekiq_retries_exhausted { |_job, ex| ex.ignore = false }

like image 57
Katherine Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 00:11
