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How can I tell if a web client is blocking advertisements?

What is the best way to record statistics on the number of visitors visiting my site that have set their browser to block ads?

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Mark Harrison Avatar asked Aug 05 '08 15:08

Mark Harrison

People also ask

How do you check if there is an ad blocker?

The AdBlock icon looks like our logo, a white hand inside a stop sign. The most definitive way is to look for AdBlock in the list of extensions installed in your browser: In Chrome or Opera, type about:extensions in the address bar. In Safari, go to Safari > Preferences > Extensions.

Is there a browser blocking ads?

Brave is one of the safest browsers on the market today. It blocks privacy-invasive ads & trackers. It blocks third-party data storage. It protects from browser fingerprinting.

1 Answers

Since programs like AdBlock actually never request the advert, you would have to look the server logs to see if the same user accessed a webpage but didn't access an advert. This is assuming the advert is on the same server.

If your adverts are on a separate server, then I would suggest it's impossible to do so.

The best way to stop users from blocking adverts, is to have inline text adverts which are generated by the server and dished up inside your html.

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GateKiller Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 22:11
