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How can I tell how much time I have left in my Google Colaboratory session?

A Google Colab session expires after 12 hours at the longest. For this reason, I don't know whether it's worth starting to train my model or wait until the session has expired to start a brand new session.

Is there a way to know how long my session has been active for, or, equivalently, how much time I have left on my session?


like image 656
Sia Avatar asked Feb 17 '19 05:02


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How long has my Google Colab session been active?

A Google Colab session expires after 12 hours at the longest. For this reason, I don't know whether it's worth starting to train my model or wait until the session has expired to start a brand new session. Is there a way to know how long my session has been active for, or, equivalently, how much time I have left on my session? Thanks.

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2 Answers

import time, psutil
uptime = time.time() - psutil.boot_time()
remain = 12*60*60 - uptime
like image 113
korakot Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 23:10


Menu -> Runtime -> View runtime logs

Look at the start time (may be on the last page), then add 12 hours.

like image 42
Jayen Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 23:10
