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How can I tell Hexo to ignore a file when creating posts?



In source/_posts I have post.md and post/ directory to hold assets for post.md.

In post/ I have js/main.min.js which is being used in post.md to illustrate something.

Hexo is picking up the main.min.js and creating a post for it. How can I get around this?

like image 533
justin Avatar asked Dec 24 '22 16:12


1 Answers

The only solution I have found was to include a directory for the post under source i.e. source/post (outside / alongside source/_posts).

You can then put your assets there and refer to them in md file e.g.

<script src="/post/js/main.min.js"></script>

Btw, I have tried using _config.yml's skip_render:

  - "**/*.js"
  - "*/*.js"
  - "_posts/post/js/main.min.js"

and other variations but they all result in main.min.js being rendered as a post.

like image 132
justin Avatar answered Mar 05 '23 22:03
