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How can I switch languages dynamically with angular-translate and angular-ui-router?


My application is using angular-translate, angular-ui-router and templates. The application html pages with the exception of the index.html are packed into templates and served from Amazon CloudFront backed by S3. What I would like to do is to find a way to switch the language dynamically depending on a two letter code after the domain name and also if possible pick up on the user locale and use that for default switching.

The reason I would like to do this is for SEO purposes as I have read that Google recommends putting in a country code into the address as below.

Here's what I have so far:

The router file

    var home = {         name: 'home',         url: '/home/'     };      var homeAccess = {         name: 'home.access',         url: 'access',         views: {             'home@': {                 templateProvider: ['$templateCache', ($templateCache) => {                     return $templateCache.get('webapi.html');                 }],             }         }     }; 

Somehow I would like to make it so that when a search engine chooses:

www.example.com/de/home/webapi  or www.example.com/en/home/webapi  or www.example.com/fr/home/webapi 

That angular router switches to the appropriate language file before serving the webapi.html file.

Any suggestions on how I could do this would be much appreciated. Ideally I'd like to see a simple example with a language file switcher that would help me and also others in the community to do what's needed.

Please note there's another similar question out there:

Localize URL's with ui-router and angular-translate

The answers there are good but I'm also hoping that by opening up this question I can get an even better and more updated answer, perhaps with some internationalization SEO tips thrown in. I just think this is such an important thing that the more answers to help people on this forum the better.

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Alan2 Avatar asked Apr 14 '16 12:04


People also ask

How to translate language in angular?

Translate an Angular 8 application using ngx-translate. NGX-Translate is an internationalization library for Angular. Internationalization is the process of translating an application into multiple languages. Using this library, we can translate our application language into multiple languages.

What is i18n angular?

Angular Internationalizationlink Internationalization, sometimes referenced as i18n, is the process of designing and preparing your project for use in different locales around the world. Localization is the process of building versions of your project for different locales.

What is UI router in angular?

Angular-UI-Router is an AngularJS module used to create routes for AngularJS applications. Routes are an important part of Single-Page-Applications (SPAs) as well as regular applications and Angular-UI-Router provides easy creation and usage of routes in AngularJS.

1 Answers

You need to create common abstract ui-router state and setup your language settings there:

$stateProvider.state('common', {   abstract: true,   url: '/{lang:(?:es|en)}' }); 

and after your home state would be child from common:

$stateProvider.state('common.home', {   url: '/home',   templateUrl: 'views/home.html', }); 

now you can setup language switch on state change event:

app.run(($rootScope) => {   $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', (event, toState, toParams) => {     if(toParams.lang && $translate.use() !== toParams.lang){       $translate.use(toParams.lang);     }   }); }); 

[19.04.2016] I declare that Google is still not able to parse your web application in clever way. Related question - SEO: How does Google index Angular applications 2016

So I as well as @shershen I recommend to use prerender.io service for better SEO.

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Stepan Suvorov Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09

Stepan Suvorov