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How can I style table to be full width of container and make the cells use percentage of the width?

This is my html. The table below is inside a container div which has fixed width of 670px. Now I am not sure how to proceed to make this table capture the full width of container.

<table class="table_fields">     <tr class="table_fields_top">         <td><?php _e('Published','news'); ?></td>         <td><?php _e('Story','news'); ?></td>         <td><?php _e('Views','news'); ?></td>         <td><?php _e('Comments','news'); ?></td>         <td><?php _e('Rating','news'); ?></td>     </tr> </table> 

This is my CSS:

.table_fields {     display: block;     background: #fff;     border: 1px solid #dce1e9;     border-bottom: 0;     border-spacing: 0; }  .table_fields .table_fields_top {background: #f1f3f6;} .table_fields .table_fields_top td{     font-size: 10px;     text-transform: uppercase; }  .table_fields td {     text-align: center;     border-bottom: 1px solid #dce1e9;     border-right: 1px solid #dce1e9;     font-size: 11px;     line-height: 16px;     color: #666;     white-space:nowrap; } 

I tried to set width: 100%; but it returned empty spaces but the TDs are not balanced. I do not know how to make the TDs always full 100% of the space. I tried to set width: 20% for each TD since they are 5 tds to receive 100% width. But this didn't work. Can someone tell me how to make the cells fit in the FUll width of table 100% (given each TD has a fixed percentage of width like 20%) please.

like image 741
Ahmad Fouad Avatar asked Jan 02 '11 23:01

Ahmad Fouad

People also ask

How do you make a full width occupy table?

You need to set the margin of the body to 0 for the table to stretch the full width. Alternatively, you can set the margin of the table to a negative number as well.

Can I use percentage values for td width?

Note: Using a percentage as the size unit for a width means how wide will this element be compared to its parent element, which in this case is the <body> element.

How do I make table cells the same width in HTML?

Just add style="table-layout: fixed ; width: 100%;" inside <table> tag and also if you do not specify any styles and add just style=" width: 100%;" inside <table> You will be able to resolve it.

1 Answers

I think your problem is that you have display: block overriding the default display mode for the table (which is table). Remove that, and then try applying width: 100% to the table.

like image 66
Chris Laplante Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 08:09

Chris Laplante