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How can I spy on a mock service AngularJS / Karma?

'use strict'

webApp.controller 'NavigationController', [
  ($scope, $rootScope, UserService) ->
    $scope.init = ->
      UserService.isAuthenticated().then (authenticated) ->
        $scope.isAuthenticated = authenticated


I want to write a test to spyOn if isAuthenticated was called from UserService. In my beforeEach, I have:

  beforeEach ->
    module 'webApp'

    inject ($injector) ->
      $httpBackend = $injector.get '$httpBackend'
      $q = $injector.get '$q'
      $rootScope = $injector.get '$rootScope'

      $scope = $rootScope.$new()
      $controller = $injector.get '$controller'

      UserServiceMock =
        isAuthenticated: ->
          deferred = $q.defer()

      controller = $controller 'AboutUsController',
        '$scope': $scope
        '$rootScope': $rootScope
        'UserService': UserServiceMock

      $httpBackend.whenGET('/api/v1/session').respond 200

Any help would be appreciated.. thanks

like image 673
Shamoon Avatar asked Aug 27 '14 13:08


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1 Answers

You can just set a variable to true when isAuthenticated is called in your UserServiceMock. e.g.:

var isAuthenticatedCalled;
var controller;

beforeEach(function() {
  isAuthenticatedCalled = false;

  inject(function($injector) {


    UserServiceMock = {
      isAuthenticated: function() {
        isAuthenticatedCalled = true;
        var deferred = $q.defer();
        return deferred.promise;
    controller = $controller('AboutUsController', {
      '$scope': $scope,
      '$rootScope': $rootScope,
      'UserService': UserServiceMock

    // ...


it('should call isAuthenticated', function() {

Alternatively you could use Jasmine's spyOn function.

UserServiceMock = {
  isAuthenticated: function() {
    var deferred = $q.defer();
    return deferred.promise;

spyOn(UserServiceMock, 'isAuthenticated');

And in your test you can do

it('should call isAuthenticated', function() {
like image 120
rob Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11
