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How can I sort an array so that certain file extensions sort to the top?




I have an array containing a list of files. I want to sort it in a way that it will let me have .txt files in the beginning of the array and the rest of files after that.

This is what I'm doing now, which works fine.

@files = (grep(/\.txt$/,@files),grep(!/\.txt$/,@files));

Is there a better way to do it though?

like image 607
rarbox Avatar asked Nov 28 '22 15:11


1 Answers

You asked a follow-up comment about doing this for more than one file extension. In that case, I'd build off the Schwartzian Transform. If you're new to the ST, I recommend Joseph Hall's explanation in Effective Perl Programming. Although the Second Edition is coming out very soon, we basically left his explanation as is so the first edition is just as good. Google Books seems to only show one inch of each page for the first edition, so you're out of luck there.

In this answer, I use a weighting function to decide which extensions should move to the top. If an extension doesn't have an explicit weight, I just sort it lexigraphically. You can fool around with the sort to get exactly the order that you want:

@files = qw(

my %weights = qw(
    txt 10
    rpm  9

my @sorted = 
    map { $_->{name} }
    sort { 
        $b->{weight} <=> $a->{weight}
        $a->{ext}    cmp $b->{ext}
        $a cmp $b
    map {
        my( $ext ) = /\.([^.]+)\z/;
            { # anonymous hash constructor
            name => $_,
            ext => $ext,
            weight => $weights{$ext} || 0,

$" = "\n";
print "@sorted\n";
like image 125
brian d foy Avatar answered Dec 10 '22 01:12

brian d foy