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How can I sort an array of UTF-8 strings in PHP?


need help with sorting words by utf-8. For example, we have 5 cities from Belgium.

$array = array('Borgloon','Thuin','Lennik','Éghezée','Aubel'); sort($array); // Expected: Aubel, Borgloon, Éghezée, Lennik, Thuin               // Actual: Aubel, Borgloon, Lennik, Thuin, Éghezée 

City Éghezée should be third. Is it possible to use/set some kind of utf-8 or create my own character order?

like image 437
mesnicka Avatar asked Oct 28 '11 13:10


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The ksort() function sorts an associative array in ascending order, according to the key. Tip: Use the krsort() function to sort an associative array in descending order, according to the key. Tip: Use the asort() function to sort an associative array in ascending order, according to the value.

2 Answers

intl comes bundled with PHP from PHP 5.3 and it only supports UTF-8.

You can use a Collator in this case:

$array = array('Borgloon','Thuin','Lennik','Éghezée','Aubel'); $collator = new Collator('en_US'); $collator->sort($array); print_r($array); 


Array (     [0] => Aubel     [1] => Borgloon     [2] => Éghezée     [3] => Lennik     [4] => Thuin ) 
like image 166
Thai Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 00:10


I think you can use strcoll:

setlocale(LC_COLLATE, 'nl_BE.utf8'); $array = array('Borgloon','Thuin','Lennik','Éghezée','Aubel'); usort($array, 'strcoll');  print_r($array); 


Array (     [0] => Aubel     [1] => Borgloon     [2] => Éghezée     [3] => Lennik     [4] => Thuin ) 

You need the nl_BE.utf8 locale on your system:

fy@Heisenberg:~$ locale -a | grep nl_BE.utf8 nl_BE.utf8 

If you are using debian you can use dpkg --reconfigure locales to add locales.

like image 39
Fy- Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 00:10
