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How can I simply consume unrecognized characters?

I managed to parse a pgn file thanks to the Boost Spirit library, but it fails as soon as there is some characters I did not "anticipated".

Here is my Spirit grammar :

#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp>

    (std::string, key),
    (std::string, value)

    (unsigned, move_number),
    (std::string, move_turn),
    (std::string, white_move),
    (std::string, black_move),
    (std::string, result)

    (std::vector<loloof64::pgn_tag>, header),
    (std::vector<loloof64::game_move>, moves)

namespace loloof64 {
    namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
    namespace ascii = boost::spirit::ascii;
    namespace phoenix = boost::phoenix;

    template <typename Iterator>
    struct pgn_parser : qi::grammar<Iterator, std::vector<pgn_game>, qi::unused_type>
        pgn_parser() : pgn_parser::base_type(games)
            using qi::lexeme;
            using ascii::char_;
            using qi::uint_;
            using qi::alnum;
            using qi::space;
            using qi::omit;
            using qi::eol;
            using qi::lit;

            quoted_string %= lexeme[lit('"') >> *(char_ - '"') >> lit('"')];

            tag %=
                >> +alnum
                >> omit[+space]
                >> quoted_string
                >> ']'
                >> omit[+eol]

            header %= +tag;

            move_turn %= qi::string("...") | qi::string(".");

            regular_move %=
                >> +char_("a-h1-8x=NBRQK")
                >> -qi::string("e.p.")
            castle_move %= qi::string("O-O-O") | qi::string("O-O");
            single_move %=
                (regular_move | castle_move) >> -(char_('+') | char_('#'))

            result %= qi::string("1-0") | qi::string("0-1") | qi::string("1/2-1/2") | qi::string("*");

            full_move %=
                >> move_turn
                >> omit[*space]
                >> single_move
                >> -(omit[+space] >> single_move)
                >> -(omit[+space] >> result)

            game_description %= full_move
                >> *(omit[*space] >> full_move);

            single_game %=
                >> game_description

            games %=
                >> *(omit[*(space|eol)] >> single_game)

        qi::rule<Iterator, pgn_tag(), qi::unused_type> tag;
        qi::rule<Iterator, std::vector<pgn_tag>, qi::unused_type> header;
        qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), qi::unused_type> quoted_string;

        qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), qi::unused_type> result;
        qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), qi::unused_type> regular_move;
        qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), qi::unused_type> castle_move;
        qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), qi::unused_type> single_move;
        qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), qi::unused_type> move_turn;
        qi::rule<Iterator, game_move(), qi::unused_type> full_move;
        qi::rule<Iterator, std::vector<game_move>, qi::unused_type> game_description;

        qi::rule<Iterator, pgn_game, qi::unused_type> single_game;
        qi::rule<Iterator, std::vector<pgn_game>, qi::unused_type> games;

How could I simply consume any character I could not "anticipate" ? I mean, how could I ignore any character that I don't want in none of my grammar rule ?

As for testing purposes :

here my parser header (pgn_games_extractor.hpp)


#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdexcept>

namespace loloof64 {

    struct pgn_tag {
        std::string key;
        std::string value;

    struct game_move {
        unsigned move_number;
        std::string move_turn;
        std::string white_move;
        std::string black_move;
        std::string result;

    struct pgn_game {
        std::vector<pgn_tag> header;
        std::vector<game_move> moves;

    class PgnGamesExtractor
            PgnGamesExtractor(std::string inputFilePath);
            PgnGamesExtractor(std::ifstream &inputFile);
            Both constructos may throw PgnParsingException (if bad pgn format) and InputFileException (if missing file)
            std::vector<pgn_game> getGames() const { return games; }
            virtual ~PgnGamesExtractor();


            std::vector<pgn_game> games;
            void parseInput(std::ifstream &inputFile);

    class PgnParsingException : public std::runtime_error
        PgnParsingException(std::string message):     std::runtime_error(message){}

    class InputFileException : public std::runtime_error
        InputFileException(std::string message) :     std::runtime_error(message){}


Here is my parser source (pgn_games_extractor.cpp) :

#include "pgn_games_extractor.hpp"

#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp>

    (std::string, key),
    (std::string, value)

    (unsigned, move_number),
    (std::string, move_turn),
    (std::string, white_move),
    (std::string, black_move),
    (std::string, result)

    (std::vector<loloof64::pgn_tag>, header),
    (std::vector<loloof64::game_move>, moves)

namespace loloof64 {
    namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
    namespace ascii = boost::spirit::ascii;
    namespace phoenix = boost::phoenix;

    template <typename Iterator>
    struct pgn_parser : qi::grammar<Iterator, std::vector<pgn_game>, qi::unused_type>
        pgn_parser() : pgn_parser::base_type(games)
            using qi::lexeme;
            using ascii::char_;
            using qi::uint_;
            using qi::alnum;
            using qi::space;
            using qi::omit;
            using qi::eol;
            using qi::lit;

            quoted_string %= lexeme[lit('"') >> *(char_ - '"') >> lit('"')];

            tag %=
                >> +alnum
                >> omit[+space]
                >> quoted_string
                >> ']'
                >> omit[+eol]

            header %= +tag;

            move_turn %= qi::string("...") | qi::string(".");

            regular_move %=
                >> +char_("a-h1-8x=NBRQK")
                >> -qi::string("e.p.")
            castle_move %= qi::string("O-O-O") | qi::string("O-O");
            single_move %=
                (regular_move | castle_move) >> -(char_('+') | char_('#'))

            result %= qi::string("1-0") | qi::string("0-1") | qi::string("1/2-1/2") | qi::string("*");

            full_move %=
                >> move_turn
                >> omit[*space]
                >> single_move
                >> -(omit[+space] >> single_move)
                >> -(omit[+space] >> result)

            game_description %= full_move
                >> *(omit[*space] >> full_move);

            single_game %=
                >> game_description

            games %=
                >> *(omit[*(space|eol)] >> single_game)

        qi::rule<Iterator, pgn_tag(), qi::unused_type> tag;
        qi::rule<Iterator, std::vector<pgn_tag>, qi::unused_type> header;
        qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), qi::unused_type> quoted_string;

        qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), qi::unused_type> result;
        qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), qi::unused_type> regular_move;
        qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), qi::unused_type> castle_move;
        qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), qi::unused_type> single_move;
        qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), qi::unused_type> move_turn;
        qi::rule<Iterator, game_move(), qi::unused_type> full_move;
        qi::rule<Iterator, std::vector<game_move>, qi::unused_type> game_description;

        qi::rule<Iterator, pgn_game, qi::unused_type> single_game;
        qi::rule<Iterator, std::vector<pgn_game>, qi::unused_type> games;

loloof64::PgnGamesExtractor::PgnGamesExtractor(std::string inputFilePath)
    std::ifstream inputFile(inputFilePath);

loloof64::PgnGamesExtractor::PgnGamesExtractor(std::ifstream &inputFile)


void loloof64::PgnGamesExtractor::parseInput(std::ifstream &inputFile)
    using namespace std;

    if (! inputFile) throw InputFileException("File does not exist !");

    string content("");
    getline(inputFile, content, (char) inputFile.eof());

    if (inputFile.fail() || inputFile.bad()) throw new     InputFileException("Could not read the input file !");

    loloof64::pgn_parser<string::const_iterator> parser;
    std::vector<loloof64::pgn_game> temp_games;

    string::const_iterator iter = content.begin();
    string::const_iterator end = content.end();

    bool success = boost::spirit::qi::phrase_parse(iter, end, parser, boost::spirit::qi::eol, temp_games);

    if (success && iter == end)
        games = temp_games;
        string error_fragment(iter, end);
        string error_message("");

        error_message = "Failed to parse the input at :'" + error_fragment + "' !";

        throw PgnParsingException(error_message);

I am asking this question because I could not parse the following pgn : ScotchGambitPgn.zip. I think it is because of an encoding issue with this file.

I am using Spirit 2 and C++ 11 (Gnu)

like image 803
loloof64 Avatar asked Mar 14 '23 22:03


1 Answers

As requested the simple X3 translation.

  • fewer lines of code (10 lines)
  • compilation time down from 7.4s to 3.6s (clang)
  • compilation time down from 11.4s to 6.0s (gcc5)
  • runtime down from 0.80s to 0.55s (clang and gcc)

The outputs are identical (exactly).

Live On Coliru


#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdexcept>

namespace loloof64 {

struct pgn_tag {
    std::string key;
    std::string value;

struct game_move {
    unsigned move_number;
    std::string white_move;
    std::string black_move;
    enum result_t { white_won, black_won, draw, undecided } result;

struct pgn_game {
    std::vector<pgn_tag> header;
    std::vector<game_move> moves;

class PgnGamesExtractor {
    PgnGamesExtractor(std::string inputFilePath);
    PgnGamesExtractor(std::istream &inputFile);
    Both constructos may throw PgnParsingException (if bad pgn format) and InputFileException (if missing file)
    std::vector<pgn_game> getGames() const { return games; }
    virtual ~PgnGamesExtractor();

    std::vector<pgn_game> games;
    void parseInput(std::istream &inputFile);

class PgnParsingException : public virtual std::runtime_error {
    PgnParsingException(std::string message) : std::runtime_error(message) {}

class InputFileException : public virtual std::runtime_error {
    InputFileException(std::string message) : std::runtime_error(message) {}


#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/support_istream_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp>

BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(loloof64::pgn_tag, key, value)
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(loloof64::game_move, move_number, white_move, black_move, result)
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(loloof64::pgn_game, header, moves)

namespace loloof64 {
    namespace pgn_parser {
        using namespace boost::spirit::x3;

        static std::string const no_move;
        static auto const result = []{
            symbols<game_move::result_t> table;
                ("1-0",     game_move::white_won)
                ("0-1",     game_move::black_won)
                ("1/2-1/2", game_move::draw)
                ("*",       game_move::undecided);
            return table;

        static auto const quoted_string    = lexeme['"' >> *~char_('"') >> '"'];
        static auto const tag              = '[' >> +alnum >> quoted_string >> ']';
        static auto const header           = +tag;
        static auto const regular_move     = as_parser("O-O-O") | "O-O" | (+char_("a-hNBRQK") >> +char_("a-h1-8x=NBRQK") >> -lit("e.p."));
        static auto const single_move      = rule<struct single_move_, std::string> { "single_move" }
                                           = raw [ lexeme [ regular_move >> -char_("+#")] ];
        static auto const full_move        = rule<struct full_move_, game_move> { "full_move" }
                                     = uint_ 
            >> (lexeme["..." >> attr(no_move)] | "." >> single_move) 
            >> (single_move | attr(no_move))
            >> -result;

        static auto const game_description = +full_move;
        static auto const single_game      = rule<struct single_game_, pgn_game> { "single_game" }
                                           = -header >> game_description;
        static auto const games            = *single_game;


loloof64::PgnGamesExtractor::PgnGamesExtractor(std::string inputFilePath) {
    std::ifstream inputFile(inputFilePath);

loloof64::PgnGamesExtractor::PgnGamesExtractor(std::istream &inputFile) { parseInput(inputFile); }

loloof64::PgnGamesExtractor::~PgnGamesExtractor() {
    // dtor

void loloof64::PgnGamesExtractor::parseInput(std::istream &inputFile) {
    if (inputFile.fail() || inputFile.bad())
        throw new InputFileException("Could not read the input file !");

    typedef boost::spirit::istream_iterator It;
    std::vector<loloof64::pgn_game> temp_games;

    It iter(inputFile >> std::noskipws), end;

    bool success = boost::spirit::x3::phrase_parse(iter, end, pgn_parser::games, boost::spirit::x3::space, temp_games);

    if (success && iter == end) {
    } else {
        std::string error_fragment(iter, end);
        throw PgnParsingException("Failed to parse the input at :'" + error_fragment + "' !");

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    loloof64::PgnGamesExtractor pge("ScotchGambit.pgn");
    std::cout << "Parsed " << pge.getGames().size() << " games\n";
    for (auto& g : pge.getGames())
        for (auto& m : g.moves)
            std::cout << m.move_number << ".\t" << m.white_move << "\t" << m.black_move << "\n";
like image 72
sehe Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 20:03
