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How can I show inherited members of a class in my Sphinx documentation?

I want to document some classes which all derive from the same base class with some common attributes and I would like to repeat the documentation for every attribute in the subclasses, so that I can see all the attributes for a class in a single place.

So for instance I have this code:

class Base(object):

    """Base class."""

    #: First attribute
    a = int
    #: Second attribute
    b = str

class FirstChild(Base):

    """First Child of Base."""

    #: Child attribute
    c = float

class SecondChild(Base):

    """Second Child of Base."""


and I have this rst:

.. automodule:: example

The output will be like this:

class class example.Base

   Bases: "object"

   Base class.

      First attribute
      alias of "int"

      Second attribute
      alias of "str"

class class example.FirstChild

   Bases: "example.Base"

   First Child of Base.

      Child attribute
      alias of "float"

class class example.SecondChild

   Bases: "example.Base"

   Second Child of Base.

Is there a way to generate documentation such that the child classes will also have the inherited attributes?

For instance:

class class example.FirstChild

   Bases: "example.Base"

   First Child of Base.

      First attribute
      alias of "int"

      Second attribute
      alias of "str"

      Child attribute
      alias of "float"

class class example.SecondChild

   Bases: "example.Base"

   Second Child of Base.

      First attribute
      alias of "int"

      Second attribute
      alias of "str"
like image 290
Kjir Avatar asked May 20 '15 08:05


People also ask

What is Sphinx autodoc?

autodoc provides several directives that are versions of the usual py:module , py:class and so forth. On parsing time, they import the corresponding module and extract the docstring of the given objects, inserting them into the page source under a suitable py:module , py:class etc. directive.

1 Answers

You need to add the :inherited-members: option, quote from the docs:

For classes and exceptions, members inherited from base classes will be left out when documenting all members, unless you give the inherited-members flag option, in addition to members.

like image 107
Max Tepkeev Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 09:09

Max Tepkeev