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How can I set an HTTP Proxy (WebProxy) on a WCF client-side Service proxy?

How can I set the HTTP proxy programmatically, on a WCF client, without using the default proxy?

Proxies, proxies, proxies.

According to the WCF model of development, I generate client-side "proxy" classes by running svcutil.exe on the WSDL for the service. (This also produces a client-side config file).

In my code I new-up an instance of that class and I can connect to the service. Very nice.

var svcProxy = new MyWebService(); svcProxy.GetInformation(request);  

We call this thing a proxy class, but there is another proxy - the http proxy. This service is using wsHttpBinding basicHttpBinding, so it is going over http. Now, suppose I want to connect the client to the web service over a http proxy (modeled by a System.Net.WebProxy in the .NET BCL). I know from my extensive, delightful experience reading .NET and WCF documentation, that the WCF runtime, if not instructed otherwise, will use the default system proxy when communicating over http/https.

I can set that from the command line in WinXP / 2003 with ProxyCfg.exe as described here, and in later versions of Windows with netsh.exe as described here.

I can also specify the default web proxy for use within the application by setting the System.Net.WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy property.

But suppose I want to connect over a proxy that is different than the system-wide proxy? For instance maybe there is no system-wide proxy but I need to use one for the web service in particular. Or maybe there is a system-wide proxy but I need to use a different one, for the web service. And in fact maybe there are multiple web service clients, and each one should get a different proxy.

How can the proxy be set per-binding?

In the ASMX model, I could do this:

var svcProxy = new MyWebService(); svcProxy.Proxy = new System.Net.WebProxy("http://proxyserver:1234", true); svcProxy.GetInformation(request);  

But this is not possible with WCF; the WCF-generated client-side proxy classes do not expose a Proxy property. How do I set the http proxy, per client-side proxy, and how do I set authentication on the http proxy as well?

- how-to-set-proxy-with-credentials-to-generated-wcf-client

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Cheeso Avatar asked Jun 04 '09 16:06


People also ask

What is WCF client proxy?

Actually Proxy is a class in WCF that is used to communicate with client application. We can simply get the entire configuration through the proxy class. There is no need to do extra effort to generate the configuration setting for the client. Proxy class used when you think that your service must be loosely coupled.

1 Answers

It makes sense that there is no Proxy property on the WCF proxy, because not all WCF proxies use HTTP for communication. After further review, I found that it is possible to set the proxy in WCF programmatically, if the WCF proxy uses an HTTP binding. I am documenting it here in case someone else needs it. To set the HTTP Proxy in code for a WCF client, do this:

// instantiate a proxy for the service var svc= new ServiceClient(); // get the HTTP binding var b = svc.Endpoint.Binding as System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpBinding; b.ProxyAddress = new Uri(""); b.BypassProxyOnLocal = false; b.UseDefaultWebProxy = false; 

And to set the endpoint address - where to reach the server - in code, you would do something like this:

var e = svc.Endpoint; e.Address = new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(     "http://remoteserver:5555/WcfXmlElement"); 
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Cheeso Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 17:10
