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How can I set a <td> width to visually truncate its displayed contents?


I'm trying to set a column width of a table, which works fine until it gets to the point where child elements would be visually truncated ... then it won't size any smaller. ("visually truncated"-what doesn't fit appears to be hidden behind the next column)

Here is some sample code to demonstrate my problem:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"      "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html> <head> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">     var intervalID = null;      function btn_onClick()     {         // keep it simple, only click once         var btn = document.getElementById("btn");         btn.disabled = true;              // start shrinking         intervalID = window.setInterval( "shrinkLeftCell();", 100);     }      function shrinkLeftCell()     {         // get elements         var td1 = document.getElementById("td1");         var td2 = document.getElementById("td2");          // initialize for first pass         if( "undefined" == typeof( td1.originalWidth))         {             td1.originalWidth = td1.offsetWidth;             td1.currentShrinkCount = td1.offsetWidth;         }          // shrink and set width size         td1.currentShrinkCount--;         td1.width = td1.currentShrinkCount;  // does nothing if truncating!          // set reporting values in right cell         td2.innerHTML = "Desired Width : ["                      + td1.currentShrinkCount                      + "], Actual : ["                      + td1.offsetWidth + "]";          // Stop shrinking         if( 1 >= td1.currentShrinkCount)             window.clearInterval(intervalID);     } </script> </head> <body>     <table width="100%" border="1">         <tr>             <td id="td1">                 Extra_long_filler_text             </td>             <td id="td2">                 Desired Width : [----], Actual : [----]             </td>         </tr>     </table>      <button id="btn" onclick="btn_onClick();">Start</button> </body> </html> 

I've tried setting the width in different ways including

td1.offsetWidth = td1.currentShrinkCount; 


td1.width = td1.currentShrinkCount + "px"; 


td1.style.width = td1.currentShrinkCount + "px"; 


td1.style.posWidth = td1.currentShrinkCount; 


td1.scrollWidth = td1.currentShrinkCount; 


td1.style.overflow = "hidden"; td1.width = td1.currentShrinkCount; 


td1.style.overflow = "scroll"; td1.width = td1.currentShrinkCount; 


td1.style.overflow = "auto"; td1.width = td1.currentShrinkCount; 

I realize, I could probably use DIV's, but I'd prefer not to since the table is being generated from a bound control, and I don't really want to get into rewriting asp.net controls.

Having said that, I thought as a last ditch effort, I could at least wrap each 'td1's contents with a DIV, and the overflow would take care of things, but even replacing

<td id="td1">     Extra_long_filler_text </td> 


<td id="td1" style="overflow:hidden;">     <div style="margin=0;padding:0;overflow:hidden;">         Extra_long_filler_text     </div> </td> 

didn't work.

Does anybody know how I can set a width to visually truncate its contents?

BTW-My target browser is IE7. Other browsers are not important right now, since this is an internal app.

like image 307
John MacIntyre Avatar asked Jan 26 '09 17:01

John MacIntyre

People also ask

How do you reduce the width of a TD table?

Using width attribute: The <td> tag has width attribute to control the width of a particular column. By assigning a numeric value to this attribute between 0 to 100 in terms of percentage(or you can use pixel format). We can restrict the column width up to that much percentage of the table's total width.

How do I change td width in HTML?

To set the cell width and height, use the CSS style. The height and width attribute of the <td> cell isn't supported in HTML5. Use the CSS property width and height to set the width and height of the cell respectively. Just keep in mind, the usage of style attribute overrides any style set globally.

1 Answers

I just tried adding table-layout: fixed; to the <table> and it worked for me on IE7.

In a fixed table layout, the horizontal layout only depends on the table's width, the width of the columns, and not the content of the cells

Check out the documentation.

like image 110
Paolo Bergantino Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09

Paolo Bergantino