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How can I select from table by uuid in mysql

I want to select some data from database (MySQL) comparing 'Id' Column. And It's type is binary(16) .

So, I write query like this but It's not work. Empty dataset returned. How Can I fix it?

select Id, CompanyName from table1 where Id = 'e4816509-dd01-cf1b-65e3-dc43e2a90a01';

Thank you.

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Boss Yoon Avatar asked Mar 24 '15 02:03

Boss Yoon

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Or, you can use this query with function in MySQL version 8.0 and above. You can see that the employee id having BINARY Data type has the 16 bit digits in the table. Now, to query info from a UUID column from the table, we will apply the function BIN_TO_UUID () that transforms the binary data value to human readable form as follows.

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1 Answers

I don't know if you still need this. But, here's the query.

select Id, CompanyName from table1 where Id = x'e4816509dd01cf1b65e3dc43e2a90a01';


select Id, CompanyName from table1 where Id = 0xe4816509dd01cf1b65e3dc43e2a90a01;

!!! note that the dashes from the uuid were removed

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lomdalf Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 20:11
