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How can I see print() statements in behave (BDD)

Context: I am using Python with Behave (BDD).

Whether I run my tests from the command line (behave) or from a custom main(), the behavior is the same: the test runs and the only output that I see in the console is the standard BDD report.

My tests include print() statements that help me debug my code. However, none of these print statements are being displayed in the console output when I run behave.

Is there any way we can have "behave" display the print statements in our code?

My Main()

config = Configuration() if not config.format:     default_format = config.defaults["default_format"]     config.format = [ default_format ]     config.verbose = True r = runner.Runner(config) r.run()  if config.show_snippets and r.undefined_steps:     print_undefined_step_snippets(r.undefined_steps) 

My test.feature file:

Feature: My test feature with the Behave BDD     Scenario: A simple test     Given you are happy     When someone says hi     Then you smile 

My test_steps.py file:

from behave import given, when, then, step, model  @given('you are happy') def step_impl(context):     pass  @when ('someone says {s}') def step_impl(context, s):     context.message = s     print("THIS IS NEVER DISPLAYED IN THE CONSOLE")     pass  @then ('you smile') def step_impl(context):         assert(context.message == "hi") 
like image 552
Ben Avatar asked Aug 06 '14 00:08


People also ask

How do I run a feature file in behave?

Launching Feature file Also, if the environment.py is present, it should be within the directory that has the steps directory and not within the steps directory. If the path to a feature file is provided, then it instructs Behave to search for it.

What is behave command?

Advertisements. Behave has a collection of command line arguments and it can also be outlined from the configuration files. The values set in the configuration files are used automatically, however, it can be overruled by the command line arguments.

What is behave BDD?

Behave is a tool used for Behaviour driven development (BDD) in Python programming language. In an Agile development framework, BDD creates a culture where testers, developers, business analysts, and other stakeholders of the project can contribute towards the software development.

What is context in Python behave?

Context is a very important feature in Python Behave where the user and Behave can store information to share around. It holds the contextual information during the execution of tests. It is an object that can store user-defined data along with Python Behave-defined data, in context attributes.

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2 Answers

from command line, you can use the following:

--no-capture for any stdout output to be printed immediately.

--no-capture-stderr for any stderr output to be printed immediately.

like image 142
Xuan Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 14:10


The first thing to do is to prevent capture of stdout (and maybe also stderr) as explained by Xuan or Ben.

However, there's a further complication that will stump people who are not aware of it. By default, behave outputs its report in color. This is problematic because the way it works is that when it runs a step, it first prints out the line of the step in a neutral color that indicates it does not yet know whether the step has passed or not. Once the step has finished, it uses escape codes to overwrite the previous line with a new color. If you don't do something to work around it, behave may simply overwrite what your print statement produced, and it may be difficult to figure out what happened.

In the following illustrations, I'm going to put the color in brackets at the end of the line. If you do not use print, the step "do something" would appear like this, before it is executed:

When do something [gray] 

And once executed it would be replaced with a green line:

When do something [green] 

behave outputs an escape sequence that makes the terminal go up and overwrite the line with a new color. No problem there.

If you put print "foo" in your step, the terminal would contain this, just before the step is completed:

When do something [gray] foo 

And then when the step completes successfully this is what you'd see on the terminal:

When do something [gray] When do something [green] 

The same escape sequence has caused behave to overwrite the output produced by the print statement.

I've used two methods to work around the issue in addition to turning off stdout capture:

  1. Use the --no-color option. This turns off the escape sequences and your print statements should produce visible output.

  2. Add a few extra newlines at the end of a print. So print "foo\n\n", for instance. behave will overwrite a useless blank line instead of overwriting the information you want. This is what I end up doing most often because I never invoke behave directly and adding a single additional option to behave's invocation, or editing a settings file is more cumbersome than just adding a few newlines to print.

like image 41
Louis Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 13:10
