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How can I see how TypeScript computes types?

Problem: I'm working on a file that has a lot of conditional types that derive their types from previously defined conditional types and this has become very complex and difficult to debug how a type is being derived.

I'm trying to find a way to "debug" or list how the TypeScript compiler is making its determination on a conditional type and picking a path to derive the ultimate type.

I've looked through the compiler options and have not found anything in that area yet...

An analogy to what I'm looking for right now is the equivalent of the DEBUG=express:* type of setting that one might use if you wanted to see what an express server was doing.

However, the actual problem I'm trying to solve is to be able to deconstruct and debug how a type is derived in a large complex hierarchical type definition.

Important Note: I'm not trying to debug the runtime execution of TypeScript project. I'm trying to debug how the types are computed by the TypeScript compiler.

like image 785
Guy Avatar asked Oct 25 '19 20:10


People also ask

How do you check TypeScript type?

Use the typeof operator to check the type of a variable in TypeScript, e.g. if (typeof myVar === 'string') {} . The typeof operator returns a string that indicates the type of the value and can be used as a type guard in TypeScript.

Does TypeScript have type inference?

TypeScript infers types of variables when there is no explicit information available in the form of type annotations. Types are inferred by TypeScript compiler when: Variables are initialized. Default values are set for parameters.

Does TypeScript offer type checking?

Code written in TypeScript is checked for errors before it is executed, during compile time.

Where are TypeScript types defined?

TypeScript automatically finds type definitions under node_modules/@types , so there's no other step needed to get these types available in your program.

1 Answers

There isn't any built-in mechanism in typescript to log out the desired info in question. However, if you are interested in understanding internal work, here's the place in source code where the actually resolving of conditional types happens.

Take a look at these places in checker.ts.

ln:13258 instantiateTypeWorker()
ln:12303 getConditionalType()
ln:12385 getTypeFromConditionalTypeNode()
ln:12772 getTypeFromTypeNode()

Attached is a half-done typescript plugin I put together carelessly. It logs out the raw data structure of a ConditionalType. To understand this struct, check types.ts ln:4634.

UX of this plugin is terrible, but that struct does tell you how typescript decides the final value of a conditional type.

import stringify from "fast-safe-stringify";    function init(modules: {    typescript: typeof import("typescript/lib/tsserverlibrary");  }) {    const ts = modules.typescript;      // #region utils    function replacer(name, val) {      if (name === "checker" || name === "parent") {        return undefined;      }      return val;    }      function getContainingObjectLiteralElement(node) {      var element = getContainingObjectLiteralElementWorker(node);      return element &&        (ts.isObjectLiteralExpression(element.parent) ||          ts.isJsxAttributes(element.parent))        ? element        : undefined;    }      ts.getContainingObjectLiteralElement = getContainingObjectLiteralElement;    function getContainingObjectLiteralElementWorker(node) {      switch (node.kind) {        case 10 /* StringLiteral */:        case 14 /* NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral */:        case 8 /* NumericLiteral */:          if (node.parent.kind === 153 /* ComputedPropertyName */) {            return ts.isObjectLiteralElement(node.parent.parent)              ? node.parent.parent              : undefined;          }        // falls through        case 75 /* Identifier */:          return ts.isObjectLiteralElement(node.parent) &&            (node.parent.parent.kind === 192 /* ObjectLiteralExpression */ ||              node.parent.parent.kind === 272) /* JsxAttributes */ &&            node.parent.name === node            ? node.parent            : undefined;      }      return undefined;    }      function getPropertySymbolsFromContextualType(      node,      checker,      contextualType,      unionSymbolOk    ) {      var name = ts.getNameFromPropertyName(node.name);      if (!name) return ts.emptyArray;      if (!contextualType.isUnion()) {        var symbol = contextualType.getProperty(name);        return symbol ? [symbol] : ts.emptyArray;      }      var discriminatedPropertySymbols = ts.mapDefined(        contextualType.types,        function(t) {          return ts.isObjectLiteralExpression(node.parent) &&            checker.isTypeInvalidDueToUnionDiscriminant(t, node.parent)            ? undefined            : t.getProperty(name);        }      );      if (        unionSymbolOk &&        (discriminatedPropertySymbols.length === 0 ||          discriminatedPropertySymbols.length === contextualType.types.length)      ) {        var symbol = contextualType.getProperty(name);        if (symbol) return [symbol];      }      if (discriminatedPropertySymbols.length === 0) {        // Bad discriminant -- do again without discriminating        return ts.mapDefined(contextualType.types, function(t) {          return t.getProperty(name);        });      }      return discriminatedPropertySymbols;    }    ts.getPropertySymbolsFromContextualType = getPropertySymbolsFromContextualType;      function getNodeForQuickInfo(node) {      if (ts.isNewExpression(node.parent) && node.pos === node.parent.pos) {        return node.parent.expression;      }      return node;    }    // #endregion      /**     * plugin code starts here     */    function create(info: ts.server.PluginCreateInfo) {      const log = (s: any) => {        const prefix =          ">>>>>>>> [TYPESCRIPT-FOOBAR-PLUGIN] <<<<<<<< \n";        const suffix = "\n<<<<<<<<<<<";        if (typeof s === "object") {          s = stringify(s, null, 2);        }        info.project.projectService.logger.info(prefix + String(s) + suffix);      };        // Diagnostic logging      log("PLUGIN UP AND RUNNING");        // Set up decorator      const proxy: ts.LanguageService = Object.create(null);      for (let k of Object.keys(info.languageService) as Array<        keyof ts.LanguageService      >) {        const x = info.languageService[k];        proxy[k] = (...args: Array<{}>) => x.apply(info.languageService, args);      }        proxy.getQuickInfoAtPosition = (filename, position) => {        var program = ts.createProgram(          [filename],          info.project.getCompilerOptions()        );        var sourceFiles = program.getSourceFiles();        var sourceFile = sourceFiles[sourceFiles.length - 1];        var checker = program.getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker();        var node = ts.getTouchingPropertyName(sourceFile, position);        var nodeForQuickInfo = getNodeForQuickInfo(node);        var nodeType = checker.getTypeAtLocation(nodeForQuickInfo);          let res;        if (nodeType.flags & ts.TypeFlags.Conditional) {          log(stringify(nodeType, replacer, 2));        }          if (!res)          res = info.languageService.getQuickInfoAtPosition(filename, position);        return res;      };        return proxy;    }      return { create };  }    export = init;

Some annoyingly detailed instructions to get this plugin running:

  1. mkdir my-ts-plugin && cd my-ts-plugin
  2. touch package.json and write { "name": "my-ts-plugin", "main": "index.js" }
  3. yarn add typescript fast-safe-stringify
  4. copy-paste this snippet to index.ts, use tsc to compile it to index.js
  5. yarn link
  6. now cd to your own ts project's dir, run yarn link my-ts-plugin
  7. add { "compilerOptions": { "plugins": [{ "name": "my-ts-plugin" }] } } to your tsconfig.json
  8. add to workspace setting(.vscode/settings.json) this line: { "typescript.tsdk": "<PATH_TO_YOUR_TS_PROJECT>/node_modules/typescript/lib" }
  9. open vscode command palette and run:
    1. TypeScript: Select TypeScript Version... -> Use Workspace Version
    2. TypeScript: Restart TS Server
    3. TypeScript: Open TS Server Log
  10. you should be able to see the plugin log out "PLUGIN UP AND RUNNING", now open a ts code file and mouse hover to some conditional type node, you should see a loooooong json data struct added to the log file.
like image 56
hackape Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 06:10
