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How can I save a list of dictionaries to a file?

I have a list of dictionaries. Occasionally, I want to change and save one of these dictionaries so that the new message is utilized if the script is restarted. Right now, I make that change by modifying the script and rerunning it. I'd like to pull this out of the script and put the list of dictionaries into a configuration file of some kind.

I've found answers on how to write a list to a file, but this assumes that it is a flat list. How can I do it with a list of dictionaries?

My list looks like this:

logic_steps = [     {         'pattern': "asdfghjkl",         'message': "This is not possible"     },     {         'pattern': "anotherpatterntomatch",         'message': "The parameter provided application is invalid"     },     {         'pattern': "athirdpatterntomatch",         'message': "Expected value for debugging"     }, ] 
like image 457
Python Novice Avatar asked Sep 11 '14 02:09

Python Novice

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2 Answers

provided that the object only contains objects that JSON can handle (lists, tuples, strings, dicts, numbers, None, True and False), you can dump it as json.dump:

import json with open('outputfile', 'w') as fout:     json.dump(your_list_of_dict, fout) 
like image 122
mgilson Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09


if you want each dictionary in one line:

 import json  output_file = open(dest_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8')  for dic in dic_list:     json.dump(dic, output_file)      output_file.write("\n") 
like image 24
Reihan_amn Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09
