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How can I sample equally from a dataframe?




Suppose I have some observations, each with an indicated class from 1 to n. Each of these classes may not necessarily occur equally in the data set.

How can I equally sample from the dataframe? Right now I do something like...

frames = []
classes = df.classes.unique()

for i in classes:
    g = df[df.classes = i].sample(sample_size)

equally_sampled = pd.concat(frames)

Is there a pandas function to equally sample?

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Demetri Pananos Avatar asked Nov 17 '16 02:11

Demetri Pananos

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How do you take the sample of a data set in Python?

Python pandas provides a function, named sample() to perform random sampling. The number of samples to be extracted can be expressed in two alternative ways: specify the exact number of random rows to extract. specify the percentage of random rows to extract.

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Pandas sample() is used to generate a sample random row or column from the function caller data frame. Parameters: n: int value, Number of random rows to generate. frac: Float value, Returns (float value * length of data frame values ).

How do you do random sampling in a Dataframe?

Given a dataframe with N rows, random Sampling extract X random rows from the dataframe, with X ≤ N. Python pandas provides a function, named sample () to perform random sampling. The number of samples to be extracted can be expressed in two alternative ways: specify the percentage of random rows to extract.

What is Dataframe sample in pandas?

pandas.DataFrame.sample ¶ DataFrame.sample(n=None, frac=None, replace=False, weights=None, random_state=None, axis=None) [source] ¶ Return a random sample of items from an axis of object. You can use random_state for reproducibility.

How can I get two DataFrames from one dataset?

NOTE: If you want to keep a representative dataset and your only problem is the size of it, I would suggest getting a stratified sample instead. A stratified sample makes it sure that the distribution of a column is the same before and after sampling. With the above, you will get two dataframes. The first will be 20% of the whole dataset.

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Return one random sample row of the DataFrame. In this example we use a .csv file called data.csv The sample () method returns a specified number of random rows. The sample () method returns 1 row if a number is not specified. Note: The column names will also be returned, in addition to the sample rows.

1 Answers

For more elegance you can do this:

df.groupby('classes').apply(lambda x: x.sample(sample_size))


You can make the sample_size a function of group size to sample with equal probabilities (or proportionately):

nrows = len(df)
total_sample_size = 1e4
    apply(lambda x: x.sample(int((x.count()/nrows)*total_sample_size)))

It won't result in the exact number of rows as total_sample_size but sampling will be more proportional than the naive method.

like image 135
Kartik Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 15:10
