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How can I run Tensorboard on a remote server?

I'm new to Tensorflow and would greatly benefit from some visualizations of what I'm doing. I understand that Tensorboard is a useful visualization tool, but how do I run it on my remote Ubuntu machine?

like image 919
user Avatar asked Jun 23 '16 09:06


People also ask

What port does TensorBoard use?

where the -p 6006 is the default port of TensorBoard.

Can you run TensorBoard while training?

You can visualize the model graph, losses, accuracy, etc when your model is under training. It is a very helpful tool that can be used to monitor the model that is getting trained on a large dataset. You can use Tensorboard not only with TensorFlow but also with Keras.

How do I start a TensorBoard session?

To start a TensorBoard session, open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and search for the command Python: Launch TensorBoard. Afterwards, you'll be prompted to select the folder where your TensorBoard log files are located.

2 Answers

Here is what I do to avoid the issues of making the remote server accept your local external IP:

  • when I ssh into the machine, I use the option -L to transfer the port 6006 of the remote server into the port 16006 of my machine (for instance): ssh -L 16006: olivier@my_server_ip

What it does is that everything on the port 6006 of the server (in will be forwarded to my machine on the port 16006.

  • You can then launch tensorboard on the remote machine using a standard tensorboard --logdir log with the default 6006port
  • On your local machine, go to and enjoy your remote TensorBoard.
like image 150
Olivier Moindrot Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 17:10

Olivier Moindrot

You can port-forward with another ssh command that need not be tied to how you are connecting to the server (as an alternative to the other answer). Thus, the ordering of the below steps is arbitrary.

  1. from your local machine, run

    ssh -N -f -L localhost:16006:localhost:6006 <user@remote>

  2. on the remote machine, run:

    tensorboard --logdir <path> --port 6006

  3. Then, navigate to (in this example) http://localhost:16006 on your local machine.

(explanation of ssh command:

-N : no remote commands

-f : put ssh in the background

-L <machine1>:<portA>:<machine2>:<portB> :

forward <machine1>:<portA> (local scope) to <machine2>:<portB> (remote scope)

like image 23
eqzx Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 19:10
