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How can I run Microsoft Azure DocumentDB locally?


I use a Mac and mostly work on Node.js projects. I would like to try out DocumentDB to compare it against MongoDB. Is there anyway to run a local instance of Azure DocumentDB without going thru the hassles of setting up a real account?


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Sunny Day Avatar asked Jul 03 '15 18:07

Sunny Day

People also ask

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Using the Azure Cosmos DB Emulator, you can develop and test your application locally, without creating an Azure subscription or incurring any costs.

Is Cosmos DB a DocumentDB?

Azure Cosmos DB is the next big leap in globally distributed, at scale, cloud databases. As a DocumentDB customer, you now have access to the new breakthrough system and capabilities offered by Azure Cosmos DB.

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Access Azure Cosmos DB ExplorerGo to https://cosmos.azure.com/, paste the connection string and select Connect. By using the connection string, you can access the Azure Cosmos DB Explorer without any time limits.

Can Azure functions access DocumentDB?

There are two ways you can connect to documentDB from an Azure function. DocumentClient documentClient = new DocumentClient( "SERVICE_ENDPOINT", "MASTER_KEY", ConnectionPolicy. GetDefault(), ConsistencyLevel. Session);

2 Answers

Since Nov 16, 2016 (announcement), you can download the new official DocumentDB emulator.

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rnrneverdies Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 04:09


as astaykov mentioned, there is no local instance of DocumentDB available at this time. Your options are to either sign up for an Azure Trial at https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/free-trial/ or you can send mail to askdocdb AT microsoft. We are currently running a program where we provide free database accounts (no signup required) for evaluation periods.


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John Macintyre - MSFT Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 04:09

John Macintyre - MSFT