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How can I run Ansible with root user and then change to another?

I have my fresh Ubuntu server on Linode and I have a root password for that server.

Now my Ansible playbook is like this:

- hosts: linode
  sudo: true
  remote_user: user1
     - role: common
     - role: apache2

I want to execute the playbook as user1, but thing is user1 does not exist yet and I don't want to run roles as root. I need to manually create user1 before running a playbook. Is there any way to automate that?

like image 461
Mirage Avatar asked Jun 02 '14 08:06


People also ask

How do I switch to root in Ansible?

To run a specific command as the root user in Ansible, you can implement the become directive and set the value to 'true. ' Doing this tells Ansible to implement sudo with no arguments when running the command.

Should Ansible be run as root?

You need to be root to execute - ansible.

How do I run as sudo user Ansible?

Ansible Sudo or become is a method to run a particular task in a playbook with Special Privileges like root user or some other user. become and become_user both have to be used in a playbook in certain cases where you want your remote user to be non-root.it is more like doing sudo -u someuser before running a task.

How do I run Ansible in parallel?

If you want to run multiple tasks in a playbook concurrently, use async with poll set to 0. When you set poll: 0 , Ansible starts the task and immediately moves on to the next task without waiting for a result. Each async task runs until it either completes, fails or times out (runs longer than its async value).

2 Answers

Keep in mind that you are allowed multiple "plays" in a single playbook file. So this could be the contents of a single playbook file:

- name: First play, to create the user
  hosts: linode
  sudo: true
  remote_user: root

    -  name: create my user
       user: name=user1 password=etc... 

- Second play, to do the rest of the work
  hosts: linode
  sudo: false
  remote_user: user1
     - role: common
     - role: apache2

Note that I have used a task to create the user, but that could be a role so you can re-use it between different projects.

like image 72
Ramon de la Fuente Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

Ramon de la Fuente

You can create a very simple bootstrap playbook that you run as root and it'll create your user1 which will then run all the other playbooks.

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Mxx Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
