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How can I run a docker container on localhost over the default IP?

I'm following the following tutorial on how to start a basic nginx server in a docker container. However, the example's nginx docker container runs on localhost ( as shown here: nginx example image

Meanwhile, when I run it it for some reason it runs on the IP enter image description here

Is there any particular reason why this is happening? And is there any way to get it to run on localhost like in the example?

Edit: I tried using --net=host but had no results: Result of --net=host

like image 359
sgarcia.dev Avatar asked Jun 23 '16 01:06


People also ask

How do I run a Docker container in localhost?

A simple solution to this in a Linux machine is to use the --network=”host” option along with the Docker run command. After that, the localhost (127.0. 0.1) in your Docker container will point to the host Linux machine. This runs a Docker container with the settings of the network set to host.

What is the local IP of a Docker container?

By default, the container is assigned an IP address for every Docker network it connects to. And each network is created with a default subnet mask, using it as a pool later on to give away the IP addresses. Usually Docker uses the default 172.17. 0.0/16 subnet for container networking.

Can you assign an IP to a Docker container?

When you connect an existing container to a different network using docker network connect , you can use the --ip or --ip6 flags on that command to specify the container's IP address on the additional network. In the same way, a container's hostname defaults to be the container's ID in Docker.

1 Answers

The default network is bridged. The>443 shows a port mapping of exposed ports in the container to high level ports on your host because of the -P option. You can manually map specific ports by changing that flag to something like -p 8080:80 -p 443:443 to have port 8080 and 443 on your host map into the container.

You can also change the default network to be your host network as you've requested. This removes some of the isolation and protections provided by the container, and limits your ability to configure integrations between containers, which is why it is not the default option. That syntax would be:

docker run --name nginx1 --net=host -d nginx

Edit: from your comments and a reread I see you're also asking about where the ip address comes from. This is based on how you launch the docker daemon. That IP binding is assigned when you pass the --ip flag to the daemon documentation here. If you're running docker in a vm with docker-machine, I'd expect this to be the IP of your vm.

like image 66
BMitch Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09
