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How can I revoke Reference Tokens for blocking users?


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How do I manually revoke access token?

To revoke an access token, specify type accesstoken. To revoke both the access and refresh tokens, specify type refreshtoken. When it sees type refreshtoken, Edge assumes the token is a refresh token. If that refresh token is found, then it is revoked.

How do I revoke a Cognito access token?

Revoke a token You can revoke a refresh token using the RevokeToken API operation. You can also use the aws cognito-idp revoke-token CLI command to revoke tokens. Finally, you can revoke tokens using the revocation endpoint. This endpoint is available after you add a domain to your user pool.

What does revoking a token do?

A revoke token request causes the removal of the client permissions associated with the specified token used to access the user's protected resources.

I have an implementation of Identity Server 4 that uses Entity Framework Core for persistent storage and ASP.NET Core Identity for users management. Since this IDS will support public applications, we were asked to add a way of completely blocking users - which means not allowing them to sign in and remove their existing logins.

After long research, I've determined that IDS does not support anything like expiring Access Tokens, since that's not part of OpenID Connect. What strikes me as completely odd is that I switched a client to use Reference Tokens, which are correctly stored in the PersistedGrants table, but even clearing that table doesn't invalidate future requests, as the user is still authenticated both to the client application and to Identity Server itself.

Is there any store/service I can re-implement to block all access from a given logged in user?