How may Wiktionary's API be used to determine whether or not a word exists?
The Wiktionary API can be used to query whether or not a word exists. The first link provides examples on other types of formats that might be easier to parse.
Wiktionary is generally a secondary source for its subject matter (definitions of words and phrases) whereas Wikipedia is a tertiary source for its subject matter (topics).
Downloading Wiktionary Q: Is it possible to download Wiktionary? A: Yes. should have the latest copy of the main namespace. The cleanest navigation page is
wiktionary has over 791,870 gloss definitions and over 1,269,938 total definitions (including different forms) for English entries alone, with a total of over 9,928,056 definitions across all languages.
The Wiktionary API can be used to query whether or not a word exists.
Examples for existing and non-existing pages:
The first link provides examples on other types of formats that might be easier to parse.
To retrieve the word's data in a small XHTML format (should more than existence be required), request the printable version of the page:
These can then be parsed with any standard XML parser.
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