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How can I reorder/sort a NodeList in JavaScript?

I have what I think should be a straightforward question; let me quickly explain:

In my JavaScript, food.xml is read in with:

xmlFoodList = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("food");

so that now I have a NodeList xmlFoodList with all the food elements. Great so far. The problem is I want to sort the nodes based on an element <category> inside. I can read that with:


Later in my code, the food items are displayed in a list, and as you'd expect, I want food of the same category to be listed together. So, my question is: How can I reorder the nodes in xmlFoodList based on their category?

Notes: I can't change food.xml coming in, and I don't want to edit my later code to do the sorting as the list is populated. I don't want to convert the NodeList to an array, since I'd have to rewrite a lot of later code. Performance isn't actually much of a concern, so feel free to clone/nested loop all you want. Thanks for your time.

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Chris DeHaan Avatar asked Jan 21 '11 14:01

Chris DeHaan

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1 Answers

You can order the elements of the NodeList, if you convert them to an array first:

var foods = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("food");
var foodsArray = Array.prototype.slice.call(foods, 0);

Then you can use the sort method:

foodsArray.sort(function(a,b) {
    var aCat = a.getElementsByTagName("category")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
    var bCat = b.getElementsByTagName("category")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
    if (aCat > bCat) return 1;
    if (aCat < bCat) return -1;
    return 0;

This is highly dependent on your XML schema though - if, for example, you had foods which were in more than one category they would only be sorted by the first category in the code above.

like image 54
andrewmu Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09
