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How can I remove the outline around hyperlinks images?



When we use Text Replacement using CSS and give a negative test-indent i.e. text-indent:-9999px. Then when we click on that link the Dotted line appears like in the sample image below. What's the solution for this?

enter image description here

like image 472
Wasim Shaikh Avatar asked May 02 '09 07:05

Wasim Shaikh

People also ask

How do you remove an outline from a link?

Just add a:visited { outline: none; } in your style file.

How do I make a picture a link without borders?

Adding border="0" to your img tag prevents that picture from having a border around the image. However, adding border="0" to every image would not only be time consuming but also increase the file size and download time. To prevent all images from having a border, create a CSS rule or file with the following code.

How do I remove the blue border around image links?

define border-style:none; in your CSS code for image. Using border="0" in image tag, this is worth for internet explorer. Apply border:none; css hope it will work out.. If not check out the css which is adding border, and try to override with your custom class.

How do I remove the border from an image tag?

border: none; outline: none; the image is part of a sprite and there is no border around the image.

2 Answers

For Remove outline for anchor tag

a {outline : none;} 

Remove outline from image link

a img {outline : none;} 

Remove border from image link

img {border : 0;} 
like image 92
Discover Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09


You can use the CSS property "outline" and value of "none" on the anchor element.

a { outline: none; } 

Hope that helps.

like image 25
Dean Burge Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 09:09

Dean Burge