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How can I remove the last character of a String in Swift 4? [duplicate]

How do I remove the last character of a string in Swift 4? I used to use substring in earlier versions of Swift, but the substring method is deprecated.

Here's the code I have.

temp = temp.substring(to: temp.index(before: temp.endIndex))
like image 866
Julia Avatar asked Nov 15 '17 20:11


2 Answers

dropLast() is your safest bet, because it handles nils and empty strings without crashing (answer by OverD), but if you want to return the character you removed, use removeLast():

var str = "String"
let removedCharacter = str.removeLast() //str becomes "Strin"
                                        //and removedCharacter will be "g"

A different function, removeLast(_:) changes the count of the characters that should be removed:

var str = "String"
str.removeLast(3) //Str

The difference between the two is that removeLast() returns the character that was removed, while removeLast(_:) does not have a return value:

var str = "String"
print(str.removeLast()) //prints out "g"
like image 56
Tamás Sengel Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 10:09

Tamás Sengel

You can use dropLast()

You can find more information on Apple documentation

like image 20
OverD Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 10:09
