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How can I remove shadow from expansion panel (Vuetify)?

I want to remove the shadow from a Vuetify expansion panel. Currently, it looks like this:

Expansion panel with shadow

My code looks like this:

  <v-layout wrap justify-space-between>
    <v-flex xs12 pb-1>
        <v-container pa-2>
          <v-expansion-panel expand pa-0>
              <template v-slot:header>
                  {{ $t("var1") }}
              <v-layout row wrap>
                <v-flex xs12>

It is possible to remove the shadow from the expansion panel? I tried adding "flat" to the tag but it didn't solve it. My goal is that, while expanded, it looks like a flat card. Thanks! :)

like image 685
abeagomez Avatar asked Jul 22 '19 18:07


1 Answers

You can set elevation-0 class on v-expansion-panel.

Here is working example: https://codepen.io/anon/pen/oKjRpm?editors=1010

I'd rather avoid changing CSS, because it will remove all borders and shadows, on all expansion panels on all pages.

like image 192
Đorđe Zeljić Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 10:09

Đorđe Zeljić