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How can I remove a whole IndexedDB database from JavaScript?

How can one remove a whole IndexedDB database from JavaScript, as opposed to just an object store? I'm using the IndexedDB shim, which may use WebSQL as its backend.

I'd mainly like to know how to do this for the PhantomJS (headless) browser, although Chrome, Safari (on iPad) and IE10 are other important browsers.

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aknuds1 Avatar asked Apr 07 '13 11:04


People also ask

How do I delete IndexedDB data?

In Chrome, go to "Settings" (or "Preferences" under the Chrome menu) Click "show advanced settings" (at the bottom of the page) Go to "Privacy" > "Content Settings" > "All cookies and Site Data" > find the domain where you created the IndexedDB. Hit either the "X" or click "Indexed Database" > Remove.

Can I delete IndexedDB EDB?

Delete an IndexedDB databaseView the IndexedDB database that you want to delete. Click Delete database.

Can I disable IndexedDB?

You can delete some or all of the folders there to clear the storage. Firefox has an option to disable IndexedDB completely. Doing so may cause incompatibility issues with some websites.

Is IndexedDB cleared when cache is cleared?

The user deletes it. For example, in Chrome if the user clears "cookies and site data", all IndexedDB databases will be removed. The browser deletes it. Technically, the browser is allowed to delete any IndexedDB database at any time.

2 Answers

As far as I can tell, one should use indexedDB.deleteDatabase:

var req = indexedDB.deleteDatabase(databaseName); req.onsuccess = function () {     console.log("Deleted database successfully"); }; req.onerror = function () {     console.log("Couldn't delete database"); }; req.onblocked = function () {     console.log("Couldn't delete database due to the operation being blocked"); }; 

I can confirm that it works with PhantomJS 1.9.0 and Chrome 26.0.1410.43.

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aknuds1 Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 21:09


I found that the following code works OK but to see the DB removed in the Chrome Resources Tab I have had to refresh the page. Also I found I had problems with the Chrome debug tools running while doing transactions. Makes it harder to debug but if you close it while running code the code seems to work OK. Significant also is to set a reference to the object store when opening the page. Obviously the delete part of the code is in the deleteTheDB method.

Code derived from example provided by Craig Shoemaker on Pluralsight.

var IndDb = {     name: 'SiteVisitInsp',     version: 1000,     instance: {},     storenames: {         inspRecords: 'inspRecords',         images: 'images'     },     defaultErrorHandler: function (e) {         WriteOutText("Error found : " + e);     },     setDefaultErrorHandler: function (request) {         if ('onerror' in request) {             request.onerror = db.defaultErrorHandler;         }         if ('onblocked' in request) {             request.onblocked = db.defaultErrorHandler;         }     }  };  var dt = new Date(); var oneInspRecord =         {                         recordId: 0,             dateCreated: dt,             dateOfInsp: dt,             weatherId: 0,             timeArrived: '',             timeDeparted: '',             projectId: 0,             contractorName: '',             DIWConsultant: '',             SiteForeman: '',             NoOfStaffOnSite: 0,             FileME: '',             ObservationNotes: '',             DiscussionNotes: '',             MachineryEquipment: '',             Materials: ''         };  var oneImage = {     recordId: '',     imgSequence: 0,     imageStr: '',     dateCreated: dt }   var SVInsp = {     nameOfDBStore: function () { alert("Indexed DB Store name : " + IndDb.name); },     createDB: function () {         openRequest = window.indexedDB.open(IndDb.name, IndDb.version);          openRequest.onupgradeneeded = function (e) {             var newVersion = e.target.result;             if (!newVersion.objectStoreNames.contains(IndDb.storenames.inspRecords)) {                 newVersion.createObjectStore(IndDb.storenames.inspRecords,                     {                         autoIncrement: true                      });             }              if (!newVersion.objectStoreNames.contains(IndDb.storenames.images)) {                 newVersion.createObjectStore(IndDb.storenames.images,                     {                         autoIncrement: true                     });             }         };          openRequest.onerror = openRequest.onblocked = 'Error'; //resultText;          openRequest.onsuccess = function (e) {             //WriteOutText("Database open");             IndDb.instance = e.target.result;         };      },      deleteTheDB: function () {         if (typeof IndDb.instance !== 'undefined') {             //WriteOutText("Closing the DB");              IndDb.instance.close();             var deleteRequest = indexedDB.deleteDatabase(IndDb.name)              deleteRequest.onblocked = function () {                 console.log("Delete blocked.");             }              deleteRequest.onerror =                 function () {                     console.log("Error deleting the DB");                     //alert("Error deleting the DB");                 };                 //"Error deleting the DB";              deleteRequest.onsuccess = function () {                  console.log("Deleted OK.");                 alert("*** NOTE : Requires page refresh to see the DB removed from the Resources IndexedDB tab in Chrome.");                 //WriteOutText("Database deleted.");              };           };      } } 
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CYoung Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 21:09
